Most fucked up lyrics?

Momo said:
Let's hope "Idiotic" down under in Australia means "fucked up" if NOT here's a bit of advice...

How about "that was an idiotic post"?
Banana juice.......
Has anyone seen the National Lampoons 7 deadly sins? The whole movie sucks cougar cock but the part where Diceman is in it is fucking hilarious.....Dice "Guns and pussy...My favorite magazine...Whoa talk about your grassy nole"
Oh yeah I seen this Howard Stern where the Dicemand and Jackie the jokeman were going to cut each other down and the rule was that they weren't allowed to cuss...Diceman destroyed Jackie so bad that he got all pissed off and started cussing like crazy and the Diceman did not even cuss once. Good stuff
Dice: Clint Eastwood......I fucked him, OHHH

Dice: Go back to Michigan asshole!!

Guy: Oh, we're not from Michigan...We're from Wisconsin

Dice: Really?? I'm from my dads penis!!

Dice: Down boy, Down Stanley...Roseanne Barr naked...Gone!!

Dice: Heres to you.....SUCKING MY DICK!!!!!!!!!!!

:yow: :yow:

gaschamber said:
ford fairlane is quite possible the best movie ever