Most moving/impressive solo


Herald of Homoerotic Fury
Aug 10, 2002
simply this. What's the BEST fricking solo you've ever heard? I don't care your reasons, I don't care the instrument. Well, I do care the reasons...say them too :) and if its a particularly kickass part in the singing...that's fine too.

For me: Metallica - To Live Is To Die..the part about 4 minutes in. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAZY.
Metallica-Fade to Black
Metallica-Master of Puppets
In Flames-Zombie Inc.
In Flames-Ordinary Story
Blind Guardian-Mirror Mirror
Children of Bodom-Everytime I Die
Children of Bodom-Wrath Within
Kalmah-Blind Leader
Arch Enemy-The Immortal
Arch Enemy-Fields of Desolation
Shadows Fall-Of One Blood
Probably several more but I'll save that for a later time. Oh Shit, the topic said solo not solos. Oh well.
Hey, more than one isn't bad. I just want some stuff I can listen to, to get a feel for the realllllly good solos. :D
Since many of the good Metallica solos have been mentioned (and rightfully so), I'll list some of my other personal favorites.

Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb (far from shredding, but simply beautiful and fits the song [/u]perfectly[/u].)
Ozzy - Mr. Crowley (Randy Rhoads...'nuff said.)
Rush - Analog Kid (the chord progression really makes the solo shine)
Children of Bodom - Kissing the Shadows (Shitdamn! Gotta love the sweeping!)

There's a bunch more that I can't really recall right now. Maybe if I remember them I'll mention them.
kalmah - the blind leader
aerosmith - Amazing (joe perry is awsome)
children of bodom - kissing the shadows (you gotta love the guitar vs. synth duel)
pink floyd - shine on you crazy diamond
in flames - zombie inc (beautiful clean solo)
queen - good ol' fashion lover boy (awsome overdubbing effect shit, sounds great)
soilwork - needlefeast
My favourite solo is from a Portal song. I'll look for the CD later and say what the song is called, maybe add a sample. It's really great. Not sure who played it tho. Either Jason Gobel or Paul Masvidal. It sounds Jasonish tho.
yes first thing that popped in my head was Kissing the Shadows, the sweeping is beautiful haha, and the duel effect just kills.

Zombie Inc by In Flames as well, I find the clean part very moving and the electric comes in and its still just as beautiful.

Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark, just has an epic feel and nice shreeding by Murray!

so many more.....but im very tired right now ;)
Iced: I've heard the BG song, and all the Metallica songs you listed. To everyone else, thanks for all the suggestions. :) But that doesn't mean stop! :eek: I must have more!
kalmah- heritance of berija
children of bodom- lake bodom
skyfire- timeless departure
metallica- ride the lightning
metallica- disposable hero
pantera- domination
pantera- cemetery gates

thats pretty much it for now.
kalmah- the blind leader
children of bodom-war of razors!
mythic force-enter the realm- a band i found on, now there under fossil records so you prolly wont be able to find many songs for free.
wow, there's truly many of them! :D
to start with some:

Eternal Tears of Sorrow: The 7th Eclipse (guitar intro, keyboard line, combination of key-background and shredding guitars, guitar solo and following rhythm line with guitar solo, etc... *hmmmmmm* )

Kalmah: Heritance of Berija (this *wee* of the guitar is great! :D )

Kalmah: Hollow Heart (all =) )

The Black League: Bunker King (the whole song is one special "moment" from the heavy doomy intro, to the grooving stomping refrain, to the guitar solo ...)

Godgory: God's Punishment (the beginning and when he starts to sing the refrain with clear vocals)

Lux Occulta: Opening of 11th Sephirah (beginning, keyboards and when guitar solo starts)

Morgul - Black Hearts Domain (beginning and when the bass plays along with the violins and chello(s) )

Amortis - Dark Visions By Candlelight (when the acoustic guitar plays alone with the double bass drum - sort of tranquil solo)

Tenhi - Lauluni Sinulle (intro and when he sings, Finnish sounds.... sexy ;) )

Tenebrarum - Rites (combination of rhythmic violins and bass)

Susperia: I Am Pain (the little break after the intro and the following guitar, as well as the moment when the guitar solo is introduced. the solo itself sucks)

I hope, I could point out the important parts :)
well for the most moving i would have to say death- voice of the soul is fucking amazing. very emotional. chokes me up somtimes...

cob- kissing the shadows i just listened to it, and the guitar/synth wank-a-thon is really good, but not the best cob solo i wouldnt say.

all nevermore solos are fucking great.

all kalmah solos are fucking great.

many in flames solos are fucking great.

the outro solo on nevermber rain is really good. slash is a badass.

as someone said the fear of hte dark solos are great. all maiden solos are great.

soooo many more great solos. isnt metal fucking awesome?