Most offensive metal bands?

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
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What bands do you think would most offend those who are easily offended? The lyrics of different bands would obviously offend for different reasons, but I would say Cannibal Corpse, Arghoslent, Gorerotted, early Carcass, Nokturnal Mortum, Necrophobic, Deicide....
Rhapsody, Stratovarius, a few of the gay Judas Priest songs( i like them by the way- but the news about the boy that was raped by the former priest drummer sickens me- i wonder what parent would leave their kid with a band that had albums called ram it down, and hell bent for leather- i suppose it is no differne than the parent that still trusts a priest). Name a power metal band and their fantasy lyrics, sugary sweet ballads, and otherwise other dumb lyrics offend me.

I havent heard iced earth's new album, but i agree the patriotic lyrics would offend me. Still, Iced Earth's lyrics are not much different from a neonazi, or anti christian black metal band.
the obvious answer: ANAL CUNT

more not so obvious bands: burzum, gorgasm, nokturnal mortum, macabre, gorerotted, and severed savior (STEEL TOE ABORTION!!! :headbang: )
I find the one cd of Mortician's with the blond tied to the tree missing a leg offensive.I know this isn't much different than seeing movies with violence towards women but I'm guessing the band thinks its funny.
It's offensive because it is shit recorded in its rawest form.

I find most gore-grind and gore-metal bands offensive. I call it anti-music.
speed said:
I havent heard iced earth's new album, but i agree the patriotic lyrics would offend me. Still, Iced Earth's lyrics are not much different from a neonazi, or anti christian black metal band.
why the hell should they offend anyone? the songs are just descriptions of American history, unless you are "personally offended" by Lee's defeat at Gettysburg, there is no reason to be offended by anything. And they are very different from a neonazi etc.... band because their lyrics are about hate, while IE's lyrics are about important history and triumph.
Sunlapse, i really dont care for overly patriotic lyrics or themes in anything. Its a matter of personal opinion. To me, those themes you trumpet( patriotism, heroism, triumph) are the most dangerous of all, as they glorify a horribly brutal war, and lead young idiots into thinking war is somehpow glamorous. And i was making an excuse for iced earth, that other bands are putting out even more ridiculous war drum beating lyrics.
Its history. Thats the way things were, it isn't gonna change. To some people its very important to them. There is no "war glorifying", if you read the lyrics and liner notes of Gettysburg it paints that battle as a brutal struggle. History is important to some people, if you don't care about it thats fine, but you shouldn't find it "offensive".