one of the things i love most about Bodom's songs are the images/feelings they project. there are some songs that make me feel a certain way. like in kissing the shadows, i feel like i'm in this dark desert and i'm with a person who i'm trying to get to and we're all alone and i can't really describe the rest... well the rest has to do with what he's singing about. but here are some of my favorites:
From Follow the reaper: "sinking down in the ocean of severe emotions. grab a bottle to drink up the pain-relieving potion. but after a while that got boring too. so no matter what happens i couldn't give a damn or two."
-this just reminds me of myself when i was 13-17. i was just very apapthetic and i still am, but at the same time i'm more appreciative of things around me. Also at that age i started drinking non stop. and sometimes i realize it gets boring after a while but youkeep on doing it cuz you dont really give a fuck.
From Hate Me!: "aint got respect for humanity. never lived or wanted immortality. the reaper's shadow i fall upon to obscure my path"
and also, "Led by the reaper i walk in the night"
and of course, "I don't give a fuck if you hate me!"
-basically, this stuff fits me, i abide by all this, although "abide" is the wrong word, but you know what i mean.
the whole of Kissing the Shadows is a beautiful song, in my opinion. so i wont even elaborate on that. i just love the imagery/feeling it creates.
From Towards Dead End: "i'm walking towards dead end. i'm walking all alone. two steps behind insanity. there's no starlight guiding my way through this downward deathrow. soon will be the time i have to go"
-just the general theme of death in these lines really gets me going. it makes me a feel a certain way, and i love it. i can't really explain. i guess i just love the concept of death and i embrace it in every way. that's why i like alexi's lyrics to begin with. even though he couldn't give 2 shits about writing good poetry. haha. he's a genius when it comes to creating music, what can i say