What/who inspired you to play guitar?

I got really bored one day and started dicking around on my dad's classical guitar. I learned a couple simple riffs from some punk songs and I maybe like the main riff from Californication or something. At about the same time I heard In Flames' The Jester's Race and couldn't believe how amazing the guitar sounded, and decided I wanted to learn to play stuff like that. I bought a cheap electric guitar and amp, but got frustrated because I couldn't figure out how to play stuff like In Flames, and didn't play it that much.

After a few years, I started getting into bodom, and Guitar World published that lesson of AYDY with the video lesson with Alexi and Roope, and so I learned that and then started to actually start playing seriously. I can play a couple In Flames songs now, too. =P

Also: Yay for first post in like 3 years!