Most Radass Screenprint Joints [USA]


Sounds like shit!
Oct 22, 2006
Atlanta, GA
Hey brahs,
I'm starting to draw up some t-shirt designs for a current project and was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions for a screenprint place here in the US. I have been considering .

I'm doing this on a tight budget so I'm keeping everything under at most 4 colors and just standard front placement - nothing crazy!
Find a local place. They are all over. The ones with no websites or advertising tend to be cheaper in my area and do good work.
We always used these guys. The online bloodbath and katatonia stuff was done there before they went to O Merch for whatever that's worth.
These guys are cheap IIRC. You have to be careful b/c you can waste time and money if stuff gets screwed up which happens more than you'd think in that industry.
Find a local place. They are all over. The ones with no websites or advertising tend to be cheaper in my area and do good work.

Yeah, I would prefer a local business, but I'm just kinda going around weighing my options and questing for THE DEAL. I haven't had band shirts made since I was like 15, so I'm getting a ballpark idea of the prices etc...