Another 'Help Me Choose An Amp' Thread

The 5150/6505 have mids, but it's more of the smooth mid variety (which I find boring), rather than a mid "bark" that I love so very much from EL34/84 tones. Uladyne, I am indeed selling my Tiny Terror; you can hear a clip of it on the soundclick player on my myspace in my sig; I really do absolutely love the thing, but now that I have a Dual Rec (and a car) I realize I need to sell the Tiny Terror for an emergency car fund (especially cuz I just got a speeding ticket! :ill: ). I'm also gonna be reamping my band's first song soon, and I'll use the TT for its swansong for that, so you can hear it in a full mix.

I'm looking forward to hearing the new track. I've already listened to your soundclick TT clip, and I like how it sounds, but I'm still kind of up in the air about it.

A funny sidenote about the 5150.. I remember when I was still a guitar n00b with my Boss Metal Zone and Randall RG100 halfstack, and I had the chance to play through a dude's 5150. I remember thinking, "damn, you don't even need a distortion pedal for this thing to sound good!" Haha. And no feedback when you're not playing! What a concept!
Well I'm definitely gonna be reamping some stuff tomorrow, and while the drums will sound like humongous balls because a) I wasn't in charge of recording them and b) I haven't touched them mixing-wise, the tonez should be righteous! So while I'll mostly let the sounds speak for themselves, I do feel I should state that even if I weren't trying to sell my TT, I'd advise against your idea of a 5150 and modding it - with the money you'd save getting a Tiny Terror (which I much prefer the sound of anyway, the 5150 is just too smooth or fizzy, no bark), you could get a pair of V30s to put in an x-pattern in your 1960 (THIS YOU WILL NOT REGRET) as well as a tube screamer (TS7) and a decent mic if you don't have one or another decent one for multi-mic'ing action if you do!
And because the 5150 doesn't have any sort of adjustable bias, by the way, to go to EL-34's I have to think you'd have to at least get it bias modded by a pro, and maybe even something more in depth (I'm not sure exactly what changes are made when you flick the switch from EL-34 to 6L6 mode in amps that offer it, but bear in mind that's what you'd have to get installed)
Yea, I'm trying to find info on the el34 mod and so far it seems like it might be more of a hassle than it's worth. I wish I could afford a rectifier. :waah:
Oh man, check this out:

A 50 watt single rectifier. Dual Recs and Triple Recs seem to be the norm, does anyone know anything about single recs? What are the primary differences between the three? 50 watts seems like a good idea considering it will be used for recording. Too bad I'll miss this by the time I have money, but there seem to be more around this price range. I need to find more stuff to sell!
Oooohh, once again I gotta step in and give my disclaimer that this is not from a sales pitch perspective, and then go on to say that I HATE that amp. I've played a 2-channel triple and now own a 2-channel dual, and I've also spent a lot of time multiple times trying like mad to get a good sound out of a Single Rec at a store, to no avail. A different guitar each of the two times, and it was running into a Mesa Standard 4x12, and I found it very harsh and buzzy sounding, and also very unsaturated, so there wasn't much sustain (cuz the more gain you have, of course, the more sustain you get cuz it's more compressed, but the thing is on that amp the more you turned up the gain the worse the buzziness and harshness got). I think they introduced those when they brought out the 3-channel Rectos, and my guess is that it's modeled after channel 3 on those.

And while I wasn't using a TS, it's not like it would've helped alleviate the problems I mentioned above.