Most Recent Mix!(Tear this apart!)

Vocals could use a good bit of compression. Guitars sound a little dull and could use some high end excitement.
I'll admit, I'm a bit drunk at the moment, but this mix isn't bad, especially for a 15 year old. The guitars need something extra, I think some boost on the high end would sound better. Also, I think some of your bass drops are clipping. I'm getting some weird sounding shit around those parts.
Vocals could use a good bit of compression. Guitars sound a little dull and could use some high end excitement.

Thanks, i'll definitely add more compression to the vocals! and you could be a little bit more specific about reducing the dullness of the guitars? i'm still kind of new to this stuff =P
More high end on the guitar amp or fiddle around with the mic position if that's causing the dullness, could also use a tad bit more gain but that's just my taste. Could be the lack of high end that's tricking me into thinking it sounds undergained. Possibly add some saturation plug on the guitar tracks and yeah holy shit ease up on those bass drops. Also the bass sounds a tad boomy, other than that the mix sounds pretty cool.
More high end on the guitar amp or fiddle around with the mic position if that's causing the dullness, could also use a tad bit more gain but that's just my taste. Could be the lack of high end that's tricking me into thinking it sounds undergained. Possibly add some saturation plug on the guitar tracks and yeah holy shit ease up on those bass drops. Also the bass sounds a tad boomy, other than that the mix sounds pretty cool.

thanks so much this is the comment i was looking for. Are there any free plugins you could recommend for the saturation? And yeah i have the bass drops too loud :( . I can't get them to sit right in the mix.
I personally love the variety of sound stuff, though FerricTDS is probably my favorite on guitars out of everything Bootsy has to offer. Insanely good plugs across the board, especially considering they're free.

When I mix bass drops it usually depends on the mix, sometimes it works to make it actually duck the mix, just not too much. Mix it in lower so it doesn't hit the master limiter too hard. Another solution is to group every track but the bass drop together and automate a high-pass filter on them.