Most trippy pink floyd album

Mwhaha, I don't believe that. Certainly there are MANY completely shit popular type albums that people mindlessly praise. But you say there are exceptions, DSOTM and WYWH are definately exceptions to this rule of yours, and it seems that the only reason you think they are bad is because they are popular which is a stupid way of thinking. I agree with you in part but not much.
Yeah, just because an album sells a lot of copies doesn't automatically mean that it was intended to be commerical or mainstream. :p
Wow man i've never heard anyone say that WYWH "appeals to your average idiot and it probably is not all that great". Are you freakin nuts?? Have you listened to this album? Seriously this is one of the best albums ever put out IMHO. I dont think its their best album (Animals being just slightly better) but the music and the overall atmosphere on WYWH is very very quality stuff.

Even if you dont like it please dont say that it’s garbage just because the album sold so well, that is a very narrow line of reasoning. (Led Zepplin comes to mind) There is a plethora of great music you're going to miss out on if you continue to follow that credo.
One word......."Animals".
Without a doubt, their finest hour.
Other honorable mentions: The final cut and the highly overlooked Roger Waters solo album, Pros and cons of hitchhiking

And then you might try some "early" Genesis with Peter Gabriel.