Now that the excitement of waiting for tickets to go on sale; is over. Lets get a new discussion going. I think this will be a good way to find out about a new band or a really good album, you might have missed. Here is the topic: NAME YOUR FAVORITE UNDERRATED *POWER METAL CD* and *PROG METAL CD*
I'll start most underrated Prog CD
Time Machine "Galileo II" I hear everyone talking about how good Time Machines' "Evil" CD is, but I never hear anyone talk about this CD. First off, It has a different singer. This CD is a concept album, and I just think the CD oozes atmosphere. This CD gets the story across, with out putting a damper on the songs. Unlike some bands who try to make a story out of all their songs, yet they leave you confused, and have no idea, what their singing about. I would recommend this to Power/Prog metal fans alike.
Most underrated Power Metal CD
Eterna "Papyrus"
Ok, I'll be honest, I bought this used from for 2 bucks. But the minute I put it in the CD player, I was blown away. This a neo-classical/power metal band from South America. All Lyrics in English, And the lyrics aren't about dragons and knights. The thing that separates this band from the rest of the pack, is the have 2 lead singers. One higher pitched (not annoyingly high) and a lower pitched singer. The thing that really caught my attention is; I haven't heard a band since Edguy, that has chorus' that are this catchy and get stuck in your head fro days at a time.
I know I only paid 2 bucks. I would definetly pay full price, and I am going to purchase their new CD, when ever I have some spare cash. Anyways check these CD's out. Any comments welcome. *
BTW* most underrated Power Metal band *SKYLARK*
I'll start most underrated Prog CD
Time Machine "Galileo II" I hear everyone talking about how good Time Machines' "Evil" CD is, but I never hear anyone talk about this CD. First off, It has a different singer. This CD is a concept album, and I just think the CD oozes atmosphere. This CD gets the story across, with out putting a damper on the songs. Unlike some bands who try to make a story out of all their songs, yet they leave you confused, and have no idea, what their singing about. I would recommend this to Power/Prog metal fans alike.
Most underrated Power Metal CD
Eterna "Papyrus"
Ok, I'll be honest, I bought this used from for 2 bucks. But the minute I put it in the CD player, I was blown away. This a neo-classical/power metal band from South America. All Lyrics in English, And the lyrics aren't about dragons and knights. The thing that separates this band from the rest of the pack, is the have 2 lead singers. One higher pitched (not annoyingly high) and a lower pitched singer. The thing that really caught my attention is; I haven't heard a band since Edguy, that has chorus' that are this catchy and get stuck in your head fro days at a time.
I know I only paid 2 bucks. I would definetly pay full price, and I am going to purchase their new CD, when ever I have some spare cash. Anyways check these CD's out. Any comments welcome. *
BTW* most underrated Power Metal band *SKYLARK*