Most underrated Enchant song is...


Aug 7, 2003
New Jersey
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...Despicable! With Broken, Distractions, Black Eyes & Broken Glass, Colors Fade, and Hold The Wind close behind.

I don't know what it is about Despicable. Never liked it much then one day it got me, really meaningful song that NO ONE seems to mention. How do you guys feel about it?
Its not my favorite, something differant I guess for us, the others seem to love it, I think Teds content is pretty heavy and kind of cool!

I never liked the heavy change myself, we have our favs as well.

I think Invisable is the sleeper on Blink myself, and on Tug mine would probably be hold the wind, we talked about playing it live which I think would be cool!

I don,t hear a whole lot about Rough Draft, and some of the other J9 D10 stuff either which is really cool. Colors Fade gets plenty of love though, it is one of Dougs best ever in my opinion, and how true are the lyrics, everything fades :(
Actually I dig Rough Draft pretty well. To me, this song the perfect mix between Police and U2. Same for Colors Fade, I think there's a huge U2 influence on this track.

Talking about Despicable ? Let's make it clear : THIS SONG KICKS ASS and I would have kill for hear this song live. Same for Hostile World, Ed shines on this one.

And about Hold The Wind, I must say that this track (except Progtology and Comatose both off contest) is my fave on Tug Of War.

Play these songs live and play them loud
To me, Enchant´s most underrated song is "In the Dark". In my humble opinion, one of their definite crowning achievements as far as lyrics and emotion are concerned. NO ONE ever mentions it. :(
"Queen of the Informed" is underway of becoming underrated as well, just gets too little love in spite of the awesome musicianship.
They're all underrated!!!!.......that's why I just got back from a day of cleaning other peoples windows!!!!!!!!
Maybe if we got Ted some implants? and he showed his bare midrift a but more? :)


But you are right they are ll underated or will we still be touring :>) Hey Silence is another one! In the Dark is also! good take! Enchanted is not however! that gets a lot of love! And many can relate to it! and do! too often :(
Seriously, you guys deserve to be on top of the charts. How great, emotional, intelligent songs like Colors Fade, What To Say, Follow The Sun, practically all of Break, and tons of others get ignored by the population just isn't fair. I wonder if it would be possible to try and get some of these songs on the radio someday. I guarantee some of these songs would probably be accepted by tons of people if they could just hear them. Probably not with all the bullshit politics involved though :erk: It's funny, I must be the only 18 year old Enchant fan out there. I'm trying to gather up some new fans for you in my college though...the youth definitely like you guys too

And yeah they are all's true. And yeah, I just got Break a few days ago and these songs are insanely good and nobody talks about them. And Ted, when that guy shouted for The Lizard at NEARfest 2002, you should've listened to him! :tickled: Just kidding, it's good but My Enemy is just a notch higher on the amazing goodliness level
Traces from 'Juggling 9'.

The first part of the song is so cool, almost mesmerising, but the second part is the most thrilling music I've heard in a long, long time. It is like an emotional avalanche that slowly gathers speed and strength only to erupt in an almost orgasmic ending. Wow! Paul really lets go on the drums, Ted is amazing, and when the guitars kick in ... man, what a song!

I get shivers down me spine just thinking about it.

DTArtstar said:
Seriously, you guys deserve to be on top of the charts.

DTArtstar I can't be more agree with you man !
Besides, the funny thing is that when I have people at home who are not into prog rock, I usually play A Blueprint Of The World and they really like it.
So yes I agree when you say Enchant really deserves to be both at the top of charts and also on the radio air but for some reasons it doesn't happen which is really frustrating :mad:

In the few weeks we at will try to get some contact with french rock radios and it makes no doubt that, if it works, Enchant will often be on the playlist I TELL YOU

I cross my fingers (and you'd better all do the same )
Dan, I certainly will!!! Good luck!

I think Enchant's most underrated song is "Foundations" from Time Lost. The chorus section grips me everytime I listen to it, it really gets under my skin.
In the booklet it says that the song never had the chance to become "enchantized" and rather remained in the state of a demo, but I still love it and would very much like it to be completed one day.
Alberik said:
Traces from 'Juggling 9'.

I totally agree--Traces is outstanding. So is Despicable--wow! Off of Wounded, I can't get enough of the three in a row: Pure, Broken and especially, Hostile World. That last one gets to me like no other. It's the one that makes it impossible for me to listen to radio anymore. Then I skip ahead to Distractions...that one is relentless, those lyrics just grab me and don't let go--kind of contradicts what the song is all about, I guess!

What amazes me about Enchant is that with each album I buy, I like every cut. Many times in the past I've bought an album based on the one hit on the radio and have been thoroughly disappointed (okay, except for Rush.) It's amazing that all the *$#&@ out there sells so well. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Via enchanted dragon
This is why J9D10 is the greatest album ever written. Every song is just a dark haunting masterpiece, the lyrics are so fitting to the music, the melodies are insanely catchy and pretty, the band plays their tightest, and even the cover is great!

That whole stretch from Rough Draft - Elyse is just one incredible song after another.
tedleonard said:
They're all underrated!!!!.......that's why I just got back from a day of cleaning other peoples windows!!!!!!!!
TOOOOOO FUNNY Ted! I cracked up when I saw this one -- the people around me at this Net Cafe all looked at me, LOL!

Hey, you could have been posting debits and credits, ya know! ;)

I have to agree though - they are ALL underrated...I wish I could gain control over the evil CC in this country and change it all around! You guys deserve to be heard -- and appreciated -- by everyone!

For the record though...from Blink I give another nod to Despicable....what a dark piece that is as real as the day is long. It isn't mentioned on this board much at all, and I love it. From Tug, it's Hold the Wind. See No Evil is also a killer tune with (again) very real lyrics!!!

Yep....they are all underrated!!! :(