You're on fire at the moment when it comes to gigs, Fucko.

Yes well I got a Bonus from my Work Place - and a few things have happened recently in my life and Family situation that I now think what the fuk just do it . And fuk the consequence as u only live once. :kickass: :kickass:
Not for the bleachers. It was $120 for Group A and $96 or something for Group B. But Motley was at Acer Arena and Motorhead's on at the Enmore. That's like the difference between the hangar for a Jumbo jet and one for a bi-plane.
I only know the big hits. Not sure if I'll be going now, the Brisbane show might clash with the first night of a course I'm going to be taking. I can't really afford to be buying their entire back catalogue to learn all their songs anyway.

I would love to go though.
I got the newie and No Sleep Til Hammersmith last week. I already have a greatest hits one.

Hmm, maybe that'll be enough then. :) The newie is excellent.