Yep No Remorse is a great comp album. A great disc for their early material plus it has Killed by Death which is worth the price of purchase alone.
It's just a fuckin' ridiculous price.

PS - First post as The Amazer, woo!
I would tend to agree. Sure Motorhead are legends and I fucking love them - I wore a Motorhead backpatch for years when I was younger - but $130plus will make the show a really boring one, aimed only at the really old rockers and bikers and so forth. Probably not the best atmosphere for an outright metalhead like myself, shit i was worried my headbanging and desire to get to the front row was gonna upset some of the older crowd down the front at Heaven & Hell:lol:
Yeah it's overpriced but ahh well, i'd pay anything to see Motorhead. I already have my Sydney ticket and will be buying my Newcastle one in the next week or so. I'd like to go to the Melbourne one too but I guess i'll have to wait and see what my money situation is. Should be fucking awesome shows!
I see an extra show has been added for Melbourne. Night 1 sold out.

Does anyone know how many The Forum holds approximately?

Edit: I'll answer my own question. Only 1500 according to their website. Not surprising it's already filled even at $130+
The Forum's an awesome venue, with great sound. It's pretty big; I'm a bit surprised it only holds 1500.
I hope they are in it - in the absence of the Dragons, I'm hoping they win the premiership this time round. I was at last year's game and wasn't too happy with the result. A Broncos win was disastrous!

Good to hear you watched perhaps the greatest film ever made, Spiffo! Haha you could have just asked where my avatar was from. :)
Nah, didn't want to appear to be ignorant by not knowing. :)

Obviously I'd like the Warriors to win, but as long as it's not Manly, Canterbury or Parramatta I'll be fairly content.