
I'm not sure I get what you are asking: do you mean what songs should you listen to, or what songs we like ?

In answer to the former, if you are just getting into them, a good primer would be the "Boneshaker" double live CD (as Motorhead are best heard live i.m.o.) which spans their career.

Of the more recent albums, Inferno and Kiss of Death are both excellent, though Motorizer was a little dissapointing, to be honest.
I didn't got your question either, but here are some recommendations (for random songs):

'Ace of Spades'
'Iron Fist'
'The Hammer'
'(we are) The Road Crew'
'Lost In The Ozone'
'We Are Motorhead'
'No Voices In The Sky'
'Death Or Glory'
'One More Fucking Time'
'Terminal Show'
'Rock Out'

that will do for a bit :D
Great choices, i would add to that Stay Clean

Damn right! :headbang: plus:

I'm The Doctor
'I Got Mine'
'Deaf Forever'
'Bad Religion'
'Voices from The War'
Life's A Bitch
'Kingdom Of The Worm'
Crazy like a Fox:headbang:

But Mr.Glam I have a feeling you would really enjoy the album
Another Perfect Day its one of their most melodic albums.

No Sleep til Hammersmith is a great representative of their earlier career and as its been stated Motorhead are awesome live.

Sacrifice is a great album Dog Face Boy and this track are two of my faves
I forgot to Mention " Killed by Death " too, the lead intro is really cool plus the whole feel different from some of the earlier stuff

Oh my God, I should be burn at the stake. I forgot TWICE to mention the song that introduced me to Motorhead and still my second favorite after 'Overkill'. Thanks for pointing that one out, and shame on me! :oops:
i would recommend "Over My Shoulder" which is also on the Sacrifice album


Yes, that track is in my youtube link above:)

Regarding Killed By Death, it is bloody brilliant! So if he picks up No Remorse he'll get that track, Louie Louie and a heap of other absolutely cracking Motorhead tracks from the studio.:kickass:
Oh my God, I should be burn at the stake. I forgot TWICE to mention the song that introduced me to Motorhead and still my second favorite after 'Overkill'. Thanks for pointing that one out, and shame on me! :oops:

Heh, that's funny. It was Killed By Death that got ME into Motorhead too! And Overkill is my favourite Motorhead song, as well! :lol: :worship:

Just remember, life's a BITCH.

Damn right :headbang:. Gotta love "Inferno"

Heh, that's funny. It was Killed By Death that got ME into Motorhead too! And Overkill is my favourite Motorhead song, as well! :lol: :worship:


Damn that's scary notion :lol:. I know you'll find this heretic but "Thrash Speed Burn" kicks "Motorizer" ass big time :headbang:
Oh my God, I should be burn at the stake. I forgot TWICE to mention the song that introduced me to Motorhead and still my second favorite after 'Overkill'. Thanks for pointing that one out, and shame on me! :oops:
Deaf Forever introduced me to Motorhead.... I heard the song in an episode of 21 Jump Street... hey I liked the show... :lol: My only complaint about that song is the background vocals... they weren't strong enough... are kind of weak...