

Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
So, I was talking to Don yesterday at work and I found out something interesting.

At the manager's meeting in L.A. last month, they announced that Guitar Center is in fact, going international in 2006. Just London? I think not. It appears that we are opening four locations, one of which is Tokyo. Now, if you know me then you would know that I have wanted to move to Japan for quite some time now. I feel that I would have the option to relocate to the Tokyo location when it opens. I have some time to really think about it but for the past day now, I have really been thinking about it.

At the company party this Sunday, I'm going to approach my district manager about this. What if I get the O.K. to relocate? Would I be able to move out of the United States, away from everything and everyone I know? I moved to a completely new location in the past, a couple of times, but to move across the world? It's difficult to compute such a thing. I have been finding myself browsing Tokyo real estate websites and such. Now, my Japanese isn't the greatest but I'm sure that the company would pay for me to become fluent in it considering that I would be willing to move there for the company.

But, could I really do it?

NP: Byzantine - Kill Chain
tokyo would be a lot worse than the usa imo,i mean it would be hella crowded and cost a lot more i would imagine to live there. i dunno, if you really like some of the stuff there though and are really bored and want to try a new life and just do that then i'd say you should go for it. also you could see a ton of gigs because i see a lot of shows going to japan and tokyo =P
I think it's clear what you want :) You wanted to do it anyway and now you get a good opportunity to do it.. I say go for it :)
I dont see myself make such a move only for a country, the people, the culture and so on, but Id do it for someone :)
If you think you can handle being all by yourself in Tokyo, what's keeping you?
you can do it! cut his freaking balls off!!!
</rob schneider>

nah, really, if you WANT to do it, i know you can man.
But indeed, the only thing that worries me is the cost to live there. By what i know, it's VERY high. You should check your salary first, and then talk to someone who lives there, and then weight it all.
And yeah, meanwhile, practice your japanese ;)
You guys know nothing about Japan.

First of all, it's really hard to get a permanent visa there. If you have a job set up already in Japan, you'll have to go to your state's Japanese embassy and get a work visa. Work visas allow you to stay in the country for one year. If you still have the job after a year, you can reapply for another visa for one year again. Eventually, (this applies for foreigners in the U.S. too) after ten years or so of living in the country you have the option of becoming a citizen or becoming a citizen with a green card. Type in Japanese visa into a good search engine and that should give you more insight to the three different types of visas you can receive.
First of all, it's really hard to get a permanent visa there

Its a lot harder than in the USA. MY brother lives in Japan and hasnt had any problems like that. ME on the other hand had to spend 2 weeks in Canada becuase i got a arrested for weed a couple of years ago. It was pitiful. YEah i smoked weed i msut be a fucking terroirist.
Noble Viking said:
You guys know nothing about Japan.

First of all, it's really hard to get a permanent visa there. If you have a job set up already in Japan, you'll have to go to your state's Japanese embassy and get a work visa. Work visas allow you to stay in the country for one year. If you still have the job after a year, you can reapply for another visa for one year again. Eventually, (this applies for foreigners in the U.S. too) after ten years or so of living in the country you have the option of becoming a citizen or becoming a citizen with a green card. Type in Japanese visa into a good search engine and that should give you more insight to the three different types of visas you can receive.

So it's harder than the US visa system?
Moving to Japan to work in a guitar shop (or own one) is actually a dream of mine. If the opporutunity presents itself and it's what you really want to do I would say go for it. Hopefully I'll make it to Japan this summer or sometime next year, I'm working very hard right now to save up enough money for a visit! But yeah, practice your japanese and hopefully you can do it.
You don't get arrested for having marajuana in Canada and you especially are never suspected as a terrorist!

I live in the USA and got arrested in the USA. i had to go to Canada to get my visa renewed and it got rejected becuase of when i got arrested, so i had to wait there for 2 weeks while the fbi did a background check on me.
shapeup said:
I live in the USA and got arrested in the USA. i had to go to Canada to get my visa renewed and it got rejected becuase of when i got arrested, so i had to wait there for 2 weeks while the fbi did a background check on me.

lmao :tickled:
yeah it's expensive living there and before you move there you need decent Japanese to pretty much get a job there. I plan to go back durring the summer and visit my friend who moved to Okinawa *I use to live there.. military*. I'm happy cause she said it was ok when she came back to visit today^^