
^yup :lol:
Do we even require visas? :loco:

Anyway, I wouldn't go to japan even if they paid me hard money. That place is cramped up with people, they act bitchfully againt foreigners and the language is fucking hard(and has some tonal syllabe irritating bits too-you think you said something right, but you didn't, because it's a different timbre)
BloodyScalpel said:
^yup :lol:
Do we even require visas? :loco:

Anyway, I wouldn't go to japan even if they paid me hard money. That place is cramped up with people, they act bitchfully againt foreigners and the language is fucking hard(and has some tonal syllabe irritating bits too-you think you said something right, but you didn't, because it's a different timbre)

This shows what you know about Japan which is Nothing.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
So, I was talking to Don yesterday at work and I found out something interesting.

At the manager's meeting in L.A. last month, they announced that Guitar Center is in fact, going international in 2006. Just London? I think not. It appears that we are opening four locations, one of which is Tokyo. Now, if you know me then you would know that I have wanted to move to Japan for quite some time now. I feel that I would have the option to relocate to the Tokyo location when it opens. I have some time to really think about it but for the past day now, I have really been thinking about it.

At the company party this Sunday, I'm going to approach my district manager about this. What if I get the O.K. to relocate? Would I be able to move out of the United States, away from everything and everyone I know? I moved to a completely new location in the past, a couple of times, but to move across the world? It's difficult to compute such a thing. I have been finding myself browsing Tokyo real estate websites and such. Now, my Japanese isn't the greatest but I'm sure that the company would pay for me to become fluent in it considering that I would be willing to move there for the company.

But, could I really do it?

NP: Byzantine - Kill Chain

My cousin lives there as we speak er type. he has just married a japanese girl and they live together right now. but Japanese people are really discrminate. not in a bad way but what i mean is that they wont ever grant you citizenship. plus they're really traditional.
My cousin moved into apartment type thing with his wife. but he is leaving soon to go to Iraq (he is airforce) well anyway he loves it there. he got to go to the konami building he loves anime and all the japanese stuff. but you really have to get used to it. as in they live differently. they are really busy people, it is crowded. and i hope you like sea food.
^ Some things to clarify from your misleading post. If you marry a Japanese person in Japan, you can get a permanent visa. Japan is close to as large as California and there are many islands and areas in the country where it is not crowded; Japan isn't just the Tokyo prefecture. To say there's only seafood there is just flat out ridiculous.
I know a lot of people who have been sent out to southeast Asia on business for extended periods of time. All of them weren't too sad about leaving. Crowding was usually the number one complaint. Since it's a Guitar Center we're talking about, I'm sure they'd try and locate it in a pretty populated area for obvious reasons. A lot of em said they get pretty pissed down there with foreigners who don't speak the native language well, and they had a rough time with the culture-shock in general. They all did well with the ladies though. A couple guys came back with new wives. Hot ones.

But that's what they say. Never been there, don't know much about it myself.

Japan is all about sushi and I fucking love sushi. I wonder how expensive it is there... In Canada it's about $4 for 6 pieces. I even wonder how much it is here in Finland. I'll go check!
Noble Viking said:
This shows what you know about Japan which is Nothing.
I don't like there, idiot. You might as well respect it or die trying to convince me of how your bloodline is better than mine and all that bullshit. So shut the fuck up and [panzer] stop writing words[/panzer]
Noble Viking said:
^ Some things to clarify from your misleading post. If you marry a Japanese person in Japan, you can get a permanent visa. Japan is close to as large as California and there are many islands and areas in the country where it is not crowded; Japan isn't just the Tokyo prefecture. To say there's only seafood there is just flat out ridiculous.
well my cousin is in tokyo. well i kno they jsut dont eat seafood. but i never said that is all they ate. i mean i agree with that it is ridiculous but seafood is a main dish in japan. but as for where im cousin lives it is crowded. and i think it is awesome that you can get a visa if you marry in. hey learn somethin everyday