If you could go anywhere...

well, theres many places Id like to visit, but the msot important I think are:

USA - to have a drink with few ppl there, to visit big casinos, surf a wave on the ocean, buy myself so much guitar equipment for such a small money, but Im not sure if Ill be able to get visa, as I wear a beard haha :p

Spain - to meet great ppl, see great views, corrida, learn a language

Australia - I never saw a red crabs march over the great desert Id like to see

Sweden - to meet my exchange friends at Hudikswall once againg :p

and many more o/c, maybe some day
Germany - Wacken , Oktoberfest :grin: Das ist gut , ja ... Ich möchte so gern Deutschland besuchen.

edit : Forgot to say that I am studying German in school . Actually I prefer German to Swedish .
In no particular order:

Finland - luv the language, luv the ppl luv the country itself
Brazil - he knows why ;)
Japan - I fell for that country long ago and I absolutely wanna visit it one day


And ALL the other places on this world as well since there are wonders and beauties everywhere :)
I will be a graduate to be travel agent in May. I'am doing it to go the Europe and maybe move there. That way I would already have a job, I'm a into Icelandic and Norse culture. Like the Sagas and legends, I want to atleast see and stand where the history went down. I love and hate America, but I know I don't want to live here. Plus even though it's not very popular, the metal is more real. Good looking guys a plus!
I really NEED to see all those pyramids and temples and stuff :notworthy
I`ve read so much about it... And it`s possible that I`ll get there summer 2006! jaujaujau :loco:

and excuse my crappy english :dopey:
There are so many places I'd like to visit, but to name a few...

Australia - My cousin used to live there and told me how beautiful it is and after I saw all those pics I decided to go there someday (perhaps next year :) )

Egypt - Pyramids, Nile, Valley of the kings... I've dreamed about going there since I was a little kid. Soon, very soon...

Brazil - I love hot places and it would be nice to meet all my "brazilian sons" like André and Mauricio :grin: Though I was told that I shouldn't take my husband with me, 'cause the local girls would go crazy if they saw my "almost blonde" cutie...

USA - No need to be more accurate, any place where I can see a NHL match would be ok. Yes, I'm a hockey freak, so what?! :p
Hehe, another interesting things about American hockey teams is that most of their members are either Canadian, Russian, Finnish, Swedish or Norwegian, with other countries mixed in. I think the Flyers have one american guy left on the team. One of the Finnish guys on the team(forget his name) layed the smackdown on some other guy the other night. :D

I know the Sabers have Satan playing on their team. :kickass:
Australia: I have family there and I would like to meet them and sorry but I am gonna be dorky and wish to see a koala bear

Japan: I'm sure I'd go crazy taking pictures and soaking up the sites. The Japanese people seem so cool! I mean they accept and absorb culture without totally turning their backs on their traditions.

England: It's obvious why I wish to go! +guilty blush+ Plus there's just so much greta old stuff there the castles, the countryside, monuments, HISTORY! Plus it has Bloodstock and that seems like a killer show!

El Salvador: It's been four years since I was in El salvador. My family comes from there. I miss them and miss the warmth and simplicity.

Egypt: Pyramids and temples and statues oh my!
^^Yeah I know that most of the players are from Europe and Canada. It would be nice to see at least a few finns playing there too, like Buffalo (my fav team) vs. Pittsburgh (my husband's fav team), they both have finnish players. That would kick ass!

Oh, and I also forgot to mention that I'd like to go to northern Sweden. I've only been to the southern parts and it would be great to meet my #1 fan :grin:
and it'd be great when you post the pics, as long as the mods decide they're not too sleazy (but then nothing is ever too sleazy :D)

hehe it's strange that a lot of men seem to dig female field hockey, and a lot of women seem to like ice hockey; it's like we swapped sports or something
but anyway, everyone knows women watch ice hockey for the beefy guys in all that equipment beating each other, and men watch field hockey for the skirts :P
Janina said:
USA - No need to be more accurate, any place where I can see a NHL match would be ok. Yes, I'm a hockey freak, so what?! :p
If you're a hockey freak, you don't want to come here. If you want hockey, you go to Canada where they have free health care yet they take about fifty to fifty five percent out of their paychecks for taxes to provide that free health care. Oh, and just about every fucking Canadian will talk shit about America and our government.......

At least we fucking have a government and our fucking military isn't bankrupt.

Canada *extends middle finger*, I salute you.