movie news thread

I think the only part I remember from Desperado was the STEAMY LATIN SEX scene with Salma Hayek. During my freshman year of college, one of the university movie channels was 24-hour Desperado, and I lived next door to kids who would know, to the minute, exactly when that scene would pop up. They'd see it starting, watch something else, a watch beeper would go off, they click over, watch the STEAMY LATIN SEX, then click back.

So yeah, my impression of that movie is not especially high on the entertainment-besides-boobs scale.
also Nightcrawler from X-Men 2

I still need to see the movie it was based on, El Mariachi. Seen it?
I think after exercising my lame ass tonight i will go to the neighborhood Hollywood video and check out the rental scene.
Blech, Dusk 'til Dawn was gay. And I think Pulp Fiction was possibly the greatest film ever made. DtD was actually decent right up until they got to the bar, when it started sucking incredibly, and didn't get better until the final pan-out shot of the back of the bar (which ruled).
Originally posted by xfer
Blech, Dusk 'til Dawn was gay. And I think Pulp Fiction was possibly the greatest film ever made. DtD was actually decent right up until they got to the bar, when it started sucking incredibly, and didn't get better until the final pan-out shot of the back of the bar (which ruled).

But that was part of its beauty :p The sudden change from road movie to well, cheesy horror. But I can see why you may think it sucked :)

No, I like cheesy horror, and I like jarring transitions... I think there's GOOD cheesy horror and BAD cheesy horror, though, and the second half of DtD was just pure crap. They could've made the same movie and put in a GOOD cheesy horror half and it would've rocked.