Greg's Super Movie Weekend

I suspect that Kill Bill would just piss me off. Fight scenes for sake of fight scenes are almost never that great. I've seen enough actual HK actions films to know that.
Kill Bill was very enjoyable, I laughed alone in the theatre for most of the movie while the others were waiting for the "big fight scene"

The few Kurosawa I have seen were really good, I definitly saw Dreams and Ran.

I have yet to see 28 days later...

I own both Guffman and BIS so that tells you if I like Guest.
FuSoYa said:
i thought it was a cool movie nonetheless, but I'm just saying that the extended fight scene got me down a bit.
Yeah, this is how I felt about Kill Bill. Had some very cool things in it despite the end scenes dragging on and blah blah blah.

I fucking HATED THE MATRIX RELOADED. God dammit. I think I lost a few years of my life getting pissed off about that movie.

You know, I saw Matchstick Men and really really liked it.
The Matrix Reloaded wasn't THAT bad, it was just nowhere near as good as the first, and all the blatant, obtrusive philosophy 101 lessons grew quite tiresome. But it had some neat parts and I must say it left me wanting to know how the story will end.

It was certainly much better than Old School, which is one of the least funny movies I've seen, and I like Will Ferrell. Not even he could save that movie.
I think I have such a violent reaction to any mention of The Matrix Reloaded because my friend fucking loved Reloaded, but couldn't defend it at all. "It's the matrix, it doesn't HAVE to make sense!" "it was just as good as the first one!" "what do you mean bullshit philosophy 101?" "BORING fight scenes!?" "bad acting?!" "you can't judge it until you see the third movie!"

It's like Donnie Darko. I saw it and didn't think it was THAT bad, but everyone's constant praising of the movie like the second coming makes me have very bad reactions to any mention of it. I dunno what I'm talking about anymore.
Oy, don't get me started on Donnie Darko. It was a decent movie, but it's as if it was carefully constructed from a mathematical formula to be as appealing as possible to pseudo-intellectual/"outsider" teenagers. One part misunderstood lead character, two parts ostensibly "deep" plot, one part teen romance, etc, and 95% of teenagers hail it as the second coming, as you said. Yargh.
The Matrix Reloaded is an exercise in confusing the non-litterate and then wowed them with special effects and fight scenes. I thought it was entertaining at best.

Old School was hilarious, Will Ferrell isn't even the funniest of the film, Vince Vaughn was way funnier in my opinion.

As for Donny Darko, it is an entertaining movie but it certainly doesn't qualify as a classic by any stretch of the imagination...
xfer said:
- 28 Days Later with THREE different endings! Honestly, even though it was the happiest ending, the American theatrical ending was the best.
I felt the ending for the American theatrical release was dumbed down and didn't at all flow with the story nor the feeling of the film. I'm excited as shit to see these alternate endings.

Which ending was used in the foreign release?

If you've already seen two of them, then the third one isn't a big deal.

How can you prefer that lame hospital ending to the fighter-jet ending? It literally changes the ENTIRE movie. If they'd shot more for the "alternate" Mark-dies ending, okay, it might have worked, I don't need Mark to stay alive. But the movie would be incomplete without the fighter-jet scene, due to loose ends and foreshadowing that doesn't go anywhere, that is, basically the actual definition of bad filmmaking.
TrevJ said:
Oy, don't get me started on Donnie Darko. It was a decent movie, but it's as if it was carefully constructed from a mathematical formula to be as appealing as possible to pseudo-intellectual/"outsider" teenagers. One part misunderstood lead character, two parts ostensibly "deep" plot, one part teen romance, etc, and 95% of teenagers hail it as the second coming, as you said. Yargh.
Exactly. I had an argument at work with a girl about this, and she said "I bet you just didn't get it."

Donnie Darko is a fun movie, and since it was only 9.99 I bought it, but it's pretty much a pseudo intellectual movie. It's got some good or at least cool filmmaking techniques and some good parts throughout, but it's not amazing or anything. Since there's not much about Donnie Darko that's at all hard to get I'll assume that the kids who say things like "you just don't get it" are kinda stupid and really proud of themselves for understanding something that seems anticlimactic to anyone who's at least remotely intelligent.
I didn't know much about DD going into it and it really won me over in a big way. I really, really enjoyed it but maybe that's because I didn't go in with any preconcieved notions. of course it's not above criticism. few films are. but it's quite good for what it is and I think successful at its goals.
well i really loved donnie darko when i saw it. maybe it is because i didn't try to imagine what it was trying to tell me intellectually. i was attracted to the emotional content of it. being almost ten years removed from my high school years i kind of felt a kinship to the characters, except i never got the girl in high school or set anything on fire(*cough* Byron *cough*)

but i mean everyone has different tastes. as for Old School I agree that vince vaughn was the funniest. he had the same kind of vibe in it that he had in swingers which is another movie i really enjoyed. its not the funniest movie i have ever seen but it was all that i expected it to be.

but it won't be replacing Airplane as my favorite comedy of all time anytime soon.
I was let down by Old School somewhat. It was funny and enjoyable, but the way everyone was hailing it as the new Animal House made it sound like it was gonna be a lot more than it turned out to be. Still, everyone in it did a good job, it just wasn't classic material like Animal House.