Movie Soundtracks


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Are any of you into movie soundtracks? If so, tell us some of your favorites and tell us why. Here are a few of mine:

Sleepy Hollow - weird, spooky arrangements, Elfman's best imo
Edward Scissorhands - much of the same, gothic
Planet of the Apes - very cool, different movie score
Rock Star - for obvious reasons....Jeff Scott Soto
Rocky IV - a classic
Gladiator - very epic sounding....
Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King --- Because Therion and Blackmore's Night is on it.

Might add more ... normal ones later.

Including... Top Gun and Resevoir Dogs.
The Last of the Mohicans - Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman
Willow - James Horner
Superman - John Williams
Batman - Danny Elfman

All epic stuff, several themes throughout the soundtrack. Honestly they don't make so many soundtracks these days where the music really gets to you... It's like when you think you're going to sneeze for 5 minutes and then ah.. ah. ahhhhhhh... nothing.
Anything by Tangerine Dream...they have done SO MANY songs for sountracks...SORCERER, THIEF, WAVLENGTH, RISKY BUSINESS, FIRESTARTER, FLASHPOINT, HEARTBREAKERS, LEGEND (one of the best), SHY PEOPLE,NEAR DARK, 3 OCLOCK HIGH, CANYON DREAMS, many more...
My very first compact disc was The Beaches soundtrack :)

I always liked the ones to The Craft & Empire Records. The Daredevil soundtrack was way better than the movie.
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - I never bought any of the others. While the music is great, Enya is really the reason I picked it up.
Star Wars, baby! Had the original 2-record set when I was a kid. Great stuff, which I now have on cd (and occasionally listen to in the car, lol).

I love Tangerine Dream, Danny Elfman and Ennio Morricone. One of my favorites is The Mission (which was also a kickass movie). I guess I'm more into original scores than soundtracks though.
I don’t buy a ton of movie soundtracks…if I hear a song from a movie that I really like, I’d rather purchase a full CD from that artist. Most of the soundtracks in my collection tend to be “symphonic” type music – including the Lord of the Rings films, the Harry Potter films, and The Green Mile. A few exceptions:

“A Knight’s Tale” – I love this soundtrack...the music was such a fantastic fit for the film.
“Small Soldiers” – I just had to get this one when it came out to hear the re-makes of some of my favorite tracks from the 70s and 80s.

I also still have the cassette soundtracks for “Decline & Fall of Western Civilization Part II - The Metal Years”, “The Adventures of Ford Fairlane” and “Last Action Hero” – all purchased because they included unreleased Queensryche tracks. However, I think it’s safe to say that my days of purchasing an entire soundrack just to hear an unreleased Queensryche tune are over.

One CD soundtrack that I completely wasted my money on was "Ever After" -- which was purchased back in the days before I understood that the music from the trailer generally isn't featured in the film. :oops: I think it took me about 5 years to figure out that the CD I was really looking for was Loreena McKennitt's "Book of Secrets."
Transformer The Movie: Why? Good Cheese and Weird Al!!!!

Either Sister Act: Cool tunes!!!!! And I saw the movies so much I can't get them out of my head.....

Lilo and Stitch: the original movie: Why? I did a school production using a few of those songs had the 5-8 yr olds doing it, soooo cute!!!!

The last unicorn, saw this movie years ago and used to be able to relate to alot of the songs,, now they just depress me :lol:

o_O :worship: :loco:
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey!

Megadeth - Go To Hell
Steve Vai - The Reaper
Winger - Battlestations
King's X - Junior's Gone Wild

those are all excellent tracks on that soundtrack.
Flash Gordon anyone? Dunno how anyone can overlook that.

Some other favorites I have are Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Requiem for a Dream
Wow, so many to list......

Favorite orchestral:

LotR (all)
Star Wars (basically all)
Star Trek (both 'main' composers, Goldsmith and Horner)
Gladiator (if you saw Kamelot at ProgPower, you heard part of this)
Alexander (some nice epic orchestral sweeps, and some good world-music/ percussion)
The Dark Crystal (Trevor Jones, I think; extreeeeemely scarce!)
The Last Starfighter
Indiana Jones (this was my first CD ever purchased, back when there were only about 300-400 titles available from all genres (!) I still have it. :worship: )

Favorite synth:

Near Dark
Risky Business

Favorite 'mixed' or compilations:

Flash Gordon (my mom was shocked that a rock band did parts of it)
Rock Star
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Lost Boys
Top Gun

As for Willow, I could use some help identifying the piece of music used in the theatrical teaser (it's on the DVD).
It's a synth piece that was also used a lot in Carl Sagan's "Cosmos," and it was one of the reasons why I picked up THAT soundtrack......and it wasn't on there! :erk: If I had the name of the piece or the composer, I could try to hunt for it. The part in the teaser on the Willow DVD is just a small part of the original piece, but I recognized it instantly...... Any help would be appreciated!
I think Predator had the perfect score... and I'll put another Awwnold movie, The Running Man, up on the board as well.

Others I didn't see already mentioned: Batman Begins & Fifth Element... and of course three cheezetastic picks: Over the Top, Teen Wolf, and Bloodsport.

A lot of nice calls so far... <hmph>... dark <cough, cough> crystal... wow, 'scuse me.
Conan the Barbarian (so epic you can feel the gravitas in your balls)
Excalibur (Carmina Burana...need I say more?)
Hellraiser (still creepy after all these years)
Gladiator (good sleepytime background music)
The Commitments (excellent blues)
Reality Bites (a guilty pleasure :loco: )