Movie Soundtracks

Is there a difference between score and soundtrack? I think there is. Anyway , in the score catagory, anything by Danny Elfman.


Judgment Night
Flash Gordon
Ford Fairlane
Rock Star
Cool World

I don't dare mention the one that is my guilty pleasure. I could never show up here again if I did.
skeksis said:
A lot of nice calls so far... <hmph>... dark <cough, cough> crystal... wow, 'scuse me.

Hey! Who let you out of the Atlanta Center For Puppetry Arts! I'm gonna call 'em and tell 'em their Skeksis has escaped! :heh:

--Yes, folks, they have a real skeksis there. And the Center -- basically one of the world's best puppetry museums -- is an easy walk from the PP venue and hotels. As of last report, Devin "I wrote a song called 'Skeksis'" Townsend has yet to make it there...but he wants to. :)
FatesFan said:
Is there a difference between score and soundtrack? I think there is. Anyway , in the score catagory, anything by Danny Elfman.


Judgment Night
Flash Gordon
Ford Fairlane
Rock Star
Cool World

I don't dare mention the one that is my guilty pleasure. I could never show up here again if I did.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

How much is it worth to you?
I used to like a lot of soundtracks. Aliens, Masada, etc. Only ones I find myself listening to anymore are the Cirque Du Soleil albums. Not a big fan of the later ones, but the Rene Dupere composed albums are pretty cool.
Rock Star
Lost Boys
Star Wars (all)
Howard Stern Private Parts
The 5th Element
XXX the first one-o.k. don't laugh at me
Dazed and Confused
Nightmare on Elm Street - (the one with Dokken)
Pellaz said:
Hey! Who let you out of the Atlanta Center For Puppetry Arts! I'm gonna call 'em and tell 'em their Skeksis has escaped!

Indeed! I have standed in awe and wonder in front of it myself. It is something to behold.

They are actually re-making the film as well... "The Power of the Dark Crystal" for those who may not have known. Same guy who composed the original Dark Crystal (and Labrynth) is on this new project as well. Which is cool...
My favorite Soundtrack has to be from the Anime Berserk. Susumu Hirasawa has a great voice and his music is the epitome of Prog. If there is anything out of Japan that truely classifies prog music it is this artist. Check it out you will not be dissapointed.

Track favorites are Forces and Earth(I think this is the right one, not sure). Forces 2 on the soundtrack from the dreamcast game is also very very good.

The anime and manga of Berserk are available in English, and I highly highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Fantasy. This manga(comic) is drawn by one person and it takes him a month per chapter which is 5-6 pages, his attention to detail is exquisite. The manga is a very good read, and the story starts out like something from the Movie Flesh + Blood and slowly turns into an Occult themed high fantasy settings that blurs the line of the real world and the mystical world in the story.
I LOVE Movie Soundtracks!!!

Here is a list of my no particular order:
1. Heat- very atmospheric
2. The Lord of the Rings
3. The Professional
4. The Insider- featuring Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance
5. Naked Lunch- jazz meets psychedelia
6. Repo Man- punk classics by Suicidal Tendencies, Black Flag, The Plugz, and the Circle Jerks
7. Shaft- Isaac Hayes was pure genius on this one...the 20 minute "Do Your Thing" includes killer guitar work
8. The Spaghetti Western Trilogy (The Good, The Bad And the Ugly/ A Fistfull of Dollars/ For A Few Dollars More) by Ennio Morricone
9. The Big Lebowski
10. The Virgin Suicides- featuring Air

The Director's Corner:

Any movie soundtrack involving Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Res Dogs), David Lynch (Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, Lost Highway, Blue Velvet), or Martin Scorcese are winners.

My number one fave of all time has to be: Conan the Barbarian

If you like symphonic metal or are a fan of intro instrumentals that you find on most metal CD's today, this ST must have infludence them all...A True Classic!!!
I enjoy alot of what's been mentioned already so I won't repeat them......however - I love the "SHOCKER" soundtrack. Great title track with Paul Stanley on vocals and a great tune by Bonfire.......
hehe Big Trouble in Little China & Escape from New York

almost forgot Howard the Duck and Back to the Future
Twin Peaks "Fire Walk With Me". Very etheral music. I'm surprised a bunch of this crowd doesn't know of this soundtrack because it's so far off the beaten path of whats popular that so many here seem to like.