

Live to Win
Feb 9, 2008
Makati, Philippines
Rather than post separate threads, I thought I'd start a general movie discussion here on this thread. We can talk about our favorites or recent and upcoming releases.

First off, we have Coraline, which just hit U.S. theaters last week. It's based on the novella by Neil Gaiman (The Sandman, Stardust) and is directed by Henry Selick (The Nightmare Before Christmas, James and the Giant Peach). Coraline features the voices of Dakota Fanning (Fern in Charlotte's Web), Teri Hatcher (bet you didn't know she was in The Love Boat and MacGyver), Keith David (the guy you hear on the BMW commercials) and Ian McShane (Captain Hook in Shrek the Third).

Fans of The Nightmare Before Christmas will want to check this film out, as it uses stop-motion animation as its medium. For those who've seen the movie, what are your thoughts?

Back To The Future II is my favourite film of all time. It's just so cleverly done with the alternate 1985 and how the went back into the first film from a different angle. I couldn't tell you how many times I asked Santa for a hoverboard after seeing that film! :lol:

I don't know if it really counts but I also love A Year & A Half In The Life Of Metallica as well. I know those videos word for word and still enjoy them to this day.

I'm quite picky about what films I watch. I only tend to like stupid or funny films and I have to really want to see a film to watch it.
Back To The Future II is my favourite film of all time. It's just so cleverly done with the alternate 1985 and how the went back into the first film from a different angle. I couldn't tell you how many times I asked Santa for a hoverboard after seeing that film! :lol:

I don't know if it really counts but I also love A Year & A Half In The Life Of Metallica as well. I know those videos word for word and still enjoy them to this day.

I'm quite picky about what films I watch. I only tend to like stupid or funny films and I have to really want to see a film to watch it.

I'll need to see the whole trilogy again, especially to compare the different actors between the first two films (i.e. Claudia Wells vs. Elisabeth Shue as Jennifer, Crispin Glover vs. Jeffrey Weissman as George McFly). It's also amazing how this movie eventually put DeLoreans back on the streets. Wouldn't own one, though - not for what is asking for.

Music documentaries count on this thread. BTW, Jenna, how's Some Kind of Monster compared to A Year & a Half in the Life of Metallica?
I'll need to see the whole trilogy again, especially to compare the different actors between the first two films (i.e. Claudia Wells vs. Elisabeth Shue as Jennifer, Crispin Glover vs. Jeffrey Weissman as George McFly). It's also amazing how this movie eventually put DeLoreans back on the streets. Wouldn't own one, though - not for what is asking for.

Music documentaries count on this thread. BTW, Jenna, how's Some Kind of Monster compared to A Year & a Half in the Life of Metallica?

I love them all, but II is my favourite by far. I find the second Jennifer much better, cos for some reason the first one irritated me. I don't think you can really compare those actors as the second George McFly's face was hidden most of the time to show that it wasn't Crispin Glover, or they reused footage from the first film. I.e. when George and Lorraine are watching Marty from the front door of their house. The reason he's dead in the second one is because Crispin had unreasonable terms for appearing in the film so they just wrote him out.

A certan Mr Harris owns a Deloran, so I've been told. :D I went into complete geek mode when I saw one parked on the street in London!! :lol:

Y & A H is funnier and is more light hearted than SKOM for obvious reasons. SKOM shows just how close the band came to breaking up and gives an insight on how hard it was for them to actually make St Anger. Y & A H has SO many funny moments in it, like them meeting Spinal Tap and them questioning them, "So where did the idea come from to do an all black album, Metallica representatives??" Hahaha!! :lol:

One of my favourite clips is this one -
(and it's Jason singing, not Kirk!)
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Anyone in the mood for cheesy cinema? Here's one of my all-time favorites, featuring music by the Red Elvises.

[ame=]Six-String Samurai[/ame]

Want more cheese? Here's another favorite; this one's from Japan.

[ame=]Cutie Honey[/ame]
i watch zohan and anchorman religiously - i highly recommend to fans of both stupid and funny!

Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell are two of the funniest actors out there. I haven't seen either of those movies you mentioned, Sara (yeah, what a shock!), but my personal favorite from Sandler is The Wedding Singer, and from Ferrell, it would be Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.

I used to like Mike Myers, but outside of Shrek, Wayne's World and Austin Powers, everything else he's done sucked. I didn't bother to watch The Love Guru, as I was not impressed by the trailer and I knew it was gonna suck.

Jim Carrey movies have been hit-or-miss for me, except maybe for The Truman Show, Dumb and Dumber and The Mask. Still, none of his stuff is as funny as his days on In Living Color.

Eddie Murphy used to be funny back in the '80s and in the Shrek series, but now, most of his movies are nearly unwatchable (though I've been told Dreamgirls was good). Now I'm hearing that he's working on Beverly Hills Cop IV.
Ahh I have a weird choice in movies I guess, In fact I cant say I particularly enjoy many.

However some of my favourites are:

Battle of Britain
Shawshank redemption
This is England (well worth watching very accurately describes life in England when you live in the dodgy areas.....very true of the early 80's)

Also Rans....

....Back to the future part 1
Star wars: empire strikes back
Mall Rats
Jay an silent bob strike back.
Like the previous years, the 2009 box office will be defined by The Good...

[ame=]Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen[/ame]


[ame=]Star Trek[/ame]

...the bad...

[ame=]X-Men Origins: Wolverine[/ame]

[ame=]Terminator Salvation[/ame]

[ame=]G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra[/ame]

...and the ugly.

[ame=]Dragon Ball Evolution[/ame]

[ame=]Friday the 13th[/ame]
Surely, it can't be as extreme as Romper Stomper or American History X, can it?

Its not as bad as Romper Stomper.....havent seen American History X though.

Whats alarming though is the fact it centres around a child who joins the skinheads and goes from grieving for his dead father to using his anger for violence. I guess it not shocking in its violence but the fact that its so close to the truth.
Its not as bad as Romper Stomper.....havent seen American History X though.

Whats alarming though is the fact it centres around a child who joins the skinheads and goes from grieving for his dead father to using his anger for violence. I guess it not shocking in its violence but the fact that its so close to the truth.

Interesting. Sounds a little bit like City of God.
Earlier this week, I went out to see Watchmen. I haven't picked up the graphic novel yet, but I was very impressed with the movie - not only by the visual effects, but also the complex storytelling. Watchmen definitely isn't for everyone, especially those not into superhero films, but it's definitely one of the 10 best comic book films ever made.
Being a car enthusiast, I watched Fast & Furious a couple of weeks ago. Compared to the first three films, it's pretty good (way better than the craptacular 2 Fast 2 Furious). The story is somewhat questionable, but it's filled with non-stop action and vehicular destruction. In contrast to the previous films, there are less riced-out imports and more American muscle cars in this one. Overall, it's an entertaining popcorn flick if you're craving for action.

Next week, I'll be reviewing X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
This month, I saw two movies, and here's what I thought of them:

X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This is, by far, the most disappointing Marvel movie ever made. Not the worst, but critically disappointing. It would've been fine if the film focused just on Logan and how he came to become Wolverine. Unfortunately, the writers decided to throw in all these random mutants that had absolutely nothing to do with Wolverine's origin. And perhaps the film's biggest crime is the portrayal of Deadpool. Now there's word that he's getting his own film, which will probably suck like this one. Rating: :puke:

Star Trek. Ever since word came out about this film over a year ago, I wanted to hate it. There was absolutely no way anyone could revive the Star Trek film franchise after the disastrous Star Trek: Nemesis, let alone cast people to play younger incarnations of the original crew of the USS Enterprise. Man, was I wrong. This movie is completely off the scale in the fun factor. Brilliant performances by everyone playing the Enterprise crew, along with Leonard Nimoy reprising his role as an older Spock from the distant future. Winona Ryder isn't too bad, either, as Spock's mother, even though she only has a couple of minutes of screen time. Overall, this is the movie to watch this month, whether you're a Trekkie or not. Resistance is futile - you will be assimilated by this film. Rating: :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: