Moving abroad?


Oct 19, 2007
I've been seriously thinking about getting out of the UK for good, for quite a while now. Probably to somewhere else in Europe, like Scandinavia, The Netherlands or Germany. Reason being I'm just pretty disgusted by this country, the way most people act, and the way it's descending into a chav-haven, not to mention the pathetic way that everything seems to get dealt with. We've just been told that, albeit we're talking a few years down the line, the factory I work in may be getting relocated to Grenoble in France. There's no fucking way I'm moving countries for this company. And I don't even like France. So I figured I'd post a thread in this place as there's quite a few Europeans here with very valid opinions.

I don't like really hot countries, but don't wanna be dredging through fucking snow for half of the year, which makes me think Netherlands or Germany as they're probably pretty much the same as the UK. How is life in these countries? I have a friend who lives in the north of Holland in Emmen, but he's quite remote so I can't get a good, strong opinion from him.

Any good opinions of nice districts in these countries? As for Germany I've heard very good things about Munich and Hamburg, but don't know much about Holland. What's the cost of living like?
In Scandinavia and Germany you may be able to get away with only knowing English for most things. A lot of people speak it and whilst you do seem like a bit of a tool for having to rely on it all the time, you can still get things done! I lived there for 2 years and from what I recall it was quite good. Took a very short vacation to Berlin roughly around a year ago and it was nice to hang around and sight see. I can't give you details on how difficult making a living over there is, especially in light of the world economic status, but the vibe of the country is leagues beyond Oz. It has a certain character about it.

Speaking of which, I really feel for you man. I've had so many people from Oz go to the UK on holidays and absolutely hate it. The general consensus was that the weather is miserable, the food is shit and the people are scum. Now, for Australians to be calling another set of people scum... that's quite a hefty statement. For it to be any worse than here you'd have to be living in some waking hell. So I wish you luck and hope you find a good place to live.
Thanks for your sympathy, dude! People here are scum, and there's no other word to describe most of them. And that 'certain character' you mentioned is exactly what I'm after. I don't think I've spoken to a single nasty person from scandanavia, or a neighbouring country... the problem is, I feel like I'm slowly getting pulled into the 'scum' catagorie of this country as it's slowly becoming the only way to live, and I want to do all I can to avoid that.

I would definitely want to learn the language of any country I choose to inhabit, it's only courteous in my eyes.
Speaking of which, I really feel for you man. I've had so many people from Oz go to the UK on holidays and absolutely hate it. The general consensus was that the weather is miserable, the food is shit and the people are scum. Now, for Australians to be calling another set of people scum... that's quite a hefty statement. For it to be any worse than here you'd have to be living in some waking hell. So I wish you luck and hope you find a good place to live.

Hahahahahaha, jesus Ermz :lol: You have no idea how many people I know here in the US regard Oz as some promised land that they wanna make a pilgrimage to; I guess they should so they learn! :D
I don't know where you've heard that from, whatever you do, don't go to Munich :lol: That's not Germany...
Hamburg FTW! Really nice city, nice people and some decent job opportunities.

Hahahaha :D

My wife says the exact same thing about Munich (she's from Berlin)

While I'm not a european I can only offer my opinion of Hamburg since it was brought up. I've been there several times ... fucking loved it there. I speak only a little german, barely conversational but I never had any problem communicating with anyone in any part of germany when I have to use english. Like I said, this is all opinion but I did find the people and the overall vibe in Hamburg to really be really cool. Seemed very chilled out. As for jobs, can't offer any insight there but if its anything like moving to here from somewhere else, it would probably be best if you improved your german skills before you would move. I think it would really help in your choices and chances of finding a good job.
Hahahahahaha, jesus Ermz :lol: You have no idea how many people I know here in the US regard Oz as some promised land that they wanna make a pilgrimage to; I guess they should so they learn! :D

+1... its funny, i actually just saw a really impressive Australian tourism commercial this weekend. made me think about adding it to the list of places i "must see" in my lifetime. i guess the grass is always greener.
As Lasse said on one of our conversations, and I can confirm it myself, Munich is the north of Italy really.
If you go down there when ther's october fest, there's a day just for italians lol
I remember being there and it was basically italy lol no nazi's just fascists lol

p.s. don't be offended german people, I love your country
Okay, Munich is out! haha! Hamburg does appeal to me cos I can jump on a boat and go 'home' to England easily. No matter where I go, I will still be routed here with family. And it's also not far from Wacken, so would be a good stopping point for my English friends making the annual voyage to the hallowed grounds :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Any opinions on the Netherlands at all?
haha gotta love faulty towers ^ . In all honesty, i think you can get enough of any country. But i would like to beat the living crap out of a lot of people here, and im a lover not a fighter. Benefit cheats sicken me for example, and i get angry enough to want to throw bricks at their heads etc. I also do notice i am affected by the weather too here, i feel much happier & inspired on sunny days in comparison to 75% of the rainy days we have here and do things better. So i have self diagnosed SAD! We have a lot of chavs also. Check this out. I have a mate of a mate from Prague who came over to live here, and we go out on a usual club nite in Bristol. Towards the end of the nite, we go into a takeaway and order some food, all is normal so far. Whilst im doing this, he's trying to start a conversation with a couple of gals in the corner from what i gather VERY innocent questions, and being the extremely friendly guy he is. One of the upity girls (i recall she was black*, and they do get VERY upitity in bristol so far as to ruin it for the ones that actually do want to come here and leach the system peacefully) chucks her complete kebab over his head (ruining his coat may i add), and im just stood there in complete awe and disgust! For the whole taxi journey back to my place i was just thinking wtf has happend to this country. My answer at the moment is (and im sure there is more to come):

1. Too many immigrants of the wrong types
2. The law system is fucked, this quote from Bruce Dickinson helps to sum it up for me...

"You can't protect yourselves even in your own home
For fear of vigilante cries the victims wipe their eyes
So now the criminals they laugh right in our face
Judicial system lets them do it, a disgrace"

3. 1 x cactus benefit system
4. 1 x idiot for a prime minister
5. 1 x shitty attitude towards europe
6. 1 x trash culture (this isnt linked to the image below lol)


Check this out:


Having grown up in NYC for the first 16 years of my life Kev, I can't help but chuckle all too knowingly at that kind of encounter!
Haha I was in the Löwenbräuhaus (Munich) and ordered french fries to the traditional roast pork. The waiter looked at me totaly perplexed:

"French Fries to our roast pork??!!"

He asked me and nearly ALL guest in the resatuarant looked at me and shook his head indignantly.