Moving out!


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
I'm trying to pack up right now, but I'm at that stand still point where I don't know what I should move first. Studio gear first, or a the couch? Cause I don't want to have all my gear here and nowhere to chill, and I also don't want my couch here with nothing to do.

Unscratchable itch!!:yell:

And on a side note, I got called into work today where Herman Cain was (touring?) and all the republican snotbags just came to watch, and DIDN'T ORDER ANY PIZZA. You should see our staff. Just about as left wing and Libertarian as you can get. Sooo many emotions flaring. :Spin:

Then I found out I have a warrant. For "No light on Bicycle". :bah:

What would you guys do in my situation? The moving situation, that is.