Moving to Canada?


  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 50.0%
  • Not until absentee votes are counted and subsequently voided for being "too liberal."

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • I'm already there, BITCH.

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
I can't realistically move out of the country, but if I could I'd spend the next months looking at all possible options. This is the first time in my life I can say with absolute honesty that I'm ashamed to be an American citizen, now that it will be at least another four years before another chance of liberating ourselves from the rightwing anti-progress agenda that has hijacked this country, I have every reason to believe the next four years will be devastating to all of us and that free thinkers will continue to be stifled at every turn...

Fuck the Republican Party and the conservative media.
Black Winter Day said:
I wouldn't feel safe in Canada. Too close to America.
Try England or France then. France. hehehehe.

It's not that cold here even if I'm sick from this weather. For moving here, I'm single peeps. But I have high standards...

My apologies to the Americans for their misfortune.

Salaam Canada
Your latest avatar is drawing me north... and I don't just mean my uhhh, you know. :loco:

Heehee, Boondocks kicks ass.
Incidentally, you can't just "move" to Canada, well, not without a work VISA, etc. It *is* still another country.

GrumpyDwarf said:
Incidentally, you can't just "move" to Canada, well, not without a work VISA, etc. It *is* still another country.


Absolutely beautiful.

And well I shouldn't say I'm "moving there". Im going to college, and staying.
Stop acting like a bunch of liberal douchebags. All of you dullards and dolts are so far up Kerry's ass you know what he had for breakfast. (Probably coco cream puffs) I voted for Bush (Hell even his last name is heterosexual) Sure gas prices have gone to hell. But I'll be damned if i'll see some liberal turncoat at the helm of this nation burden by idiocy. All you democratic defilers of truth need to stop sensationalizing every damn thing.

There will be no damn draft.
No other country is going to attack us.
Abortion is not going to become illegal.

Fucking A, you guys act as though the U.S President has as much authority as some fascist dictator. How old are you kids? Obviously everything you have all learned politically has come from your junior high school yard. Grow some fucking nuts you berkeley residing ragamuffins!

With Bush in office this is what will happen

Gas Prices will remain astronomically high.
Stronger FCC regulations will take place (But who the fuck listens to public radio anyways?)
And liberal douchebags will whine and cry for the next 4 fucking years. Blaming all the problems they are experiencing in their own personal lives on a complete and total stranger. Good fucking deal aye? NO! Get a grip you social deviants. It's people like you that make me a misanthrope.
I am far from being a proponent of Bush. This is the case of choosing the lesser of 2 evils. What you fail to realize is...Your lives aren't going to change one fucking bit, regardless of who is living in a big burly white house. You want change? Look within! Start with yourself first! Stop hoping that some political savior is going to take hold of the globe and make everything in your own miserable pitiful world colorful and pretty! The wait will leave you without years left to live.
Oh, it's AWMM. He'll post here for a while until he pisses everyone off with his asinine comments and total musical ignorance. Once he pisses everyone off, he'll make a thread announcing that he's leaving the board and never coming back. Two weeks later he's back and trying to fit in again. I've seen him do it on several boards. Hopefully he won't stay here long enough here to do that.