mp3 suggestions


Ruler of the Forest
Feb 27, 2004
Sheffield, UK
Because everyone nicks music anyway:

Songs to download suggestions?

Can I have some. I can't use Kazaa (my pc don't like it), so I'm stuck on the less popular Bearshare, but if you give me some suggestions I can probably bug someone into getting songs for me!
my siggestion is: if you want to check out new music go to bands websites and download the samples, tis simpler and less illegal... then if you like it make sure you buy the CD...
The only music I've ever downloaded illegally was Metallica's St Anger and I'm glad that I did because the album was so terrible that I had to erase it. I know of a few people using Kazaa and Soulseek but I've heard horrorstories of virus's that will destroy your hardrive.

If you're going to download then be careful!
download is evil... good for testing, just make sure you have a good virus checker... try avg, at works well and is free... also once tested buy or dont buy the album depending on wether you like the tracks or not... although buying is expensive, got addicted to edguy recently so ordered all their albums from nuclearblast and amazon cost me over £100, but what the hell all the cds rock, also got iced earths 2 cd edition of the glorios burden... gettysberg tracks are amazing!
I used to download 1 or 2 tracks for testing but now I don't agree with it at all. Samples are for that mostly, or dire situations. Metal bands don't make enough money as it is so downloading from them ain't good. And yeah Kazaa sucks and I don't care what people say, it eventually fucks things up.