MPC Style Pads for Drums


Sep 26, 2008
Hey guys-

Just wondering if anyone is using some sort of MPC style pads to program their drums. I have an old DTXPress e-drum kit, but I'm not really a drummer so most of my drum tracks sound pretty sh!tty... Using Superior Drummer 2. Any recommendations? I want to play these pads live rather than program the manually in a sequencer.

you mean something like this?

its an akai mpd16,
i use it for drum-programming, its not expensive
Thanks for the replies! My buddy brought over his Akai MPK49 and I tracked some drums with Superior last night. It's pretty cool, but the pads aren't that great. I'm going to head over the GC and check out the trigger finger and mpd16.
I have the trigger finger and it does everything you would ever need.

It's not as easy at it seems to play in rythm with your fingers. You'll see it needs practice !