MR and MRS Anathematerboard website submit your pics to me

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002
Right the Mr and Mrs Anathematterboard is one of the best ideas Ive heard for ages, so I've decided to build the (cough cough) 'Official' Mr and Mrs Anathematterboard website, after which the polls can take place for most desirable man and berd in the forums.

The winners will both me crowned 'King and Kween 2003', and receive a custon built page complete with a beautiful poem written for them especially by mehdi, its so beutiful :cry:

Start sending in your photos to -

no bigger than 250 x 250 pixels.

So get rooting and make your picture count

(note : girls - airbrushing hairs off your chin will be noticed and you will be disqualified.

boys - airbrushing in muscles under your t shirt will be noticed too)
i have a good pic with danny and one with vincent from last years gig, but dunno how to scan 'em, though i have a scanner (too lazy to read the manual). so i guess you can just imagine about me. i'm tall, blonde with blue eyes, hairy and very very masculine... *repeated cough*
you mean i'm lying? *cough* how dare you? i'm a kind and honest lad. i'd never spread fake rumours... *sore throat form too much coughing*


no one more *MAN*

and i was only in 11th grade then. imagine me now! lol