mr. bungle

I don't like the Beatles at all, I'm so sick of Led Zep that if I never hear them ever again I wont care and don't listen to Ozzy much anymore.
@JeffTD: No Jeff I'd say 99.99% of the worlds population doesn't like them!

For the people that like Bungle,check some of this bands out....
Vladimir Bozar, Carnival in Coal, Darth Vegas, Messer Chups,Tipsy,X Legged Sally, Crotchduster, Polkadot Cadaver, Dog fashion disco,Tub ring, Peter Thomas, Bag of humans, Estradasphere, Bad dudes, Busuchan, Ephel Duath, Stolen Babies, Circus of the dead squirrel, Japonize elephants..Tell me what you think about them.

Please keep the original bands coming I need new music!!!
did you check out soup? :D

also bloody panda/kayo dot - 12" split, get that. both bands have awesome tracks on it. if you dont have any kayo dot then just get everything theyve ever done. choirs of the eye and dowsing anemone with copper tongue especially.
kammarheit - asleep and well hidden, amazing dark ambient genius
ground zero - consume red. avant-garde/noisy epic
yes I've heard kayo dot and ground zero, both cool bands. I love the 1st ground zero album! Checked out soup. its cool! Didn't blow my mind as most free form stuff doesn't, but still cool.
Keep the bands coming!! I would love for someone to introduce me to a band that I haven't heard of, that's bungle-esq or that blows me away!!!

Here is some bands that I've found, while trying to fill the void bungle has left!!

Vladimir Bozar, Carnival in Coal, Darth Vegas, Messer Chups,Tipsy,X Legged Sally, Crotchduster, Polkadot Cadaver, Dog fashion disco,Tub ring, Peter Thomas, Bag of humans, Estradasphere, Bad dudes, Busuchan, Ephel Duath, Stolen Babies, Circus of the dead squirrel... just off the top of my head and only bands that I think are in the vain of bungle.

Depth Beyond One's, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, FM2000, Sir Millard Mulch, Itä-Saksa, Sydän Sydän, Kuolleet Intiaanit, Waltari, Kekal, CMX, Tomahawk, Kanava, Serart, SikTh, Kyyria, Plain Fade

just to name a few more.
Got to see Fantomas and Tomahawk Live......... Both shows life changing.

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ahjteam: I absolutely love Sir Millard Mulch!! And of course all Pattons work! I just didn't name any of his bands because I think if your a real Patton fan you know all the stuff hes done. I will definitely be checking out the others bands you have listed, its seems you have good taste!

SocialNumb: love faith no more and yes even the pre Patton Faith No More also!

musickey: I've seen bungle 4 times and even flew to NYC just to see them, talk about life changing shows!The 1st time I saw them was on there 1st tour in Tampa in 1990 I was so blown away. they came out with a strobe light flashing and made noise of about 20 min straight, people in the crowd where like WTF are they doing, then they started there set and played for 2 hours. It was the best show I've ever seen! At one point a security guard was sitting on the stage not letting people stage dive and got a little rough with this one kid that was trying to do it, So Mike at very slow point in the song is singing real soft and creeps up be hide the security guard, mike in a Saturday night fever white suite with the sleeves cut off and a gimp mask, comes up be hind security guard, just before a point in the song where he is going to scream his ass off, grabs the security guard in a head lock and drags him all over the stage screaming in his ear! then tosses him into the crowd! The security guard got up with this big red face and just looked at mike like WTF! lmfao!
mike patton disgusts me, i am now leaving this topic.

naked city and boredoms > fantomas
Mike Pattons score for Crank 2 is more than enough to solidify his mass amount of talent to me.

Shame such good music had to be wasted on a pretty worthless film.
RemoWilliams: Crank 2 soundtrack is awesome. I really liked the 1st Crank movie, it was over the top but it worked. Crank 2 was a little too over the top, the soundtrack worked well with it, a lot of what would seemed like sound effects for the movie came from the soundtrack.
Mike patton is fucking god. Dude is one of the most talented singers I have ever heard, plus an awesome stage personality, actual musical talent, this dude´s a winner, Faith no more and mr bungle are unbelievably great, and the soundtrack to crank 2 kicks ass, movie isn´t better than the first one but I liked it anyways. The first one is one of the best movies I´ve seen in years
his slicked back hair says it all for me
nobody slicks back their hair unless they are a massive, massive cunt.

I'm so going to listen to that right now! Introduce Yourself!

"I didn't mean it, come back"

Dude can't forget As The Worm Turns on We care a Lot. Kick ass tune.


How about: "Well FUCK YOU... I'll SKATE to the BEACH... and I'll look BETTER GETTING there!" hahaha!! :lol: I love that dude, and that album kicks major ass!


And Gareth... Patton is the SHIT! Just come to terms with it man :lol: