Mr. Hyde

I'm sorry, but I've just now finally gotten around to downloading your 'Eruption' recording.

As a bass player, I'm always very impressed with anyone who can play like that. Over the years, when I've played guitar, I've always found it to be too dainty for me. I tend to me ham-handed and try to ....manhandle the guitar like I do on the bass. Of course, a guitar won't put up with that like a bass will. :p I have a real hard time making the switch. :rolleyes:

Anyway, it sounded great, and while you didn't quite 'nail it', it's impressive anyway. Anyone who can even come close to sounding like old VH rocks in my book. :headbang:

P.S. Sometimes towards Christmas, I may be ordering myself a Ty Tabor model Yamaha. I want to get better at the guitar because it's hard to develop chord structures on the bass. I like to play bass, but I like to write on the guitar, and if I'm ever going to really get my writing going, I'll need a good instrument to do it on. So, in other words, get'll be subjected to my guitar playing soon. :puke: ;)
Thanks Ec. :cool: Eruption was one of the first things I learned way back. I've forgotten how most of it goes but it was fun to give it a try again.
I find that playing bass hurts my ability to play guitar as well because of the extra strength needed to play the bass. I pretty much suck at both now anyway but every once in a while I'll pick up the guitar and momentarily have a flash of the way I used to be able to play.
It will be nice to hear you do some guitar work. You might try putting a heavier guage string on your guitar to give you a little bit of resistance. Before I got back into playing heavy music I had 13's on my guitar tuned to standard pitch. I couldn't bend notes very easily but it was just what I needed to learn a new way of playing and it helped me to develop some new techniques.
I have 9's on my guitar now because I'm trying to get back some speed...but...well, I won't whine anymore about that.:lol:
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde
Thanks Ec. :cool: Eruption was one of the first things I learned way back. I've forgotten how most of it goes but it was fun to give it a try again.
I find that playing bass hurts my ability to play guitar as well because of the extra strength needed to play the bass. I pretty much suck at both now anyway but every once in a while I'll pick up the guitar and momentarily have a flash of the way I used to be able to play.
It will be nice to hear you do some guitar work. You might try putting a heavier guage string on your guitar to give you a little bit of resistance. Before I got back into playing heavy music I had 13's on my guitar tuned to standard pitch. I couldn't bend notes very easily but it was just what I needed to learn a new way of playing and it helped me to develop some new techniques.
I have 9's on my guitar now because I'm trying to get back some speed...but...well, I won't whine anymore about that.:lol:

Thanks anyway, but I'll be lucky if my playing is anywhere near "nice". :lol: One thing I do have in my favor on the guitar is rhythm, I tend to play tighter than some guitar players just from my habits on the bass. Once you're used to trying to really lock onto a rhythm, it's a habit that never leaves you. :) Of course, that makes me sound stiff, too. :p

Yea, I really can only play 13's. In fact, usually when I want to learn a guitar part, I start out by learning it on my classical guitar. The nylon strings are easier for me, and I can play it with my fingers. Then, if I really want to, I'll transfer it to the electric. :)

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