
Rivfadír;6915872 said:
Nah... Not really, but let's not talk about Origin, I always feel really guilty about badmouthing the Borks on their own forum.

Call of the Wretched Sea, on the other hand, is fucking awesome.
It's not really bad mouthing, once there's a point to it.
Okay then, I was just really disappointed with Origin. I think it feels contrived, forced and uncreative. I dislike V's voice (and even Lazare's too!) on it, I think they both are straining too much, trying to force their voices to go places they weren't meant to. I think the cover of Ocean's Rise was both boring and bordering on blasphemy. Not a single song managed to capture my attention, and the only thing I liked about it was the chorus in Earth Imagery where it sounds like V is singing about a "fiery jew". And that was only mildly entertaining. The songwriting sound, as I said, forced and not at all organic and flowing.

The only Borknagar album I can say that I honestly do not like. Other than that, their albums only come in two categories: Really Great (Olden Domain, Quintessence, Empiricism, Epic) and Really Good (Borknagar, The Archaic Course).
:lol: You guys know what you say it's all a matter of opinion and not fact right :p In my opinion, I was pleased very much with Origin... I detested the idea of an acoustic album at first but I think it turned out beautifully. And not to put words in their mouth but I think the guys from Borknagar were too happy with it too, I read that it was something they were wanting to do for a long time so being able to put Origin out must have been a nice accomplishment for them.
Rivfadír;6915926 said:
Okay then, I was just really disappointed with Origin. I think it feels contrived, forced and uncreative. I dislike V's voice (and even Lazare's too!) on it, I think they both are straining too much, trying to force their voices to go places they weren't meant to. I think the cover of Ocean's Rise was both boring and bordering on blasphemy. Not a single song managed to capture my attention, and the only thing I liked about it was the chorus in Earth Imagery where it sounds like V is singing about a "fiery jew". And that was only mildly entertaining. The songwriting sound, as I said, forced and not at all organic and flowing.

The only Borknagar album I can say that I honestly do not like. Other than that, their albums only come in two categories: Really Great (Olden Domain, Quintessence, Empiricism, Epic) and Really Good (Borknagar, The Archaic Course).

Glad to see I'm not the only one who heard it as "Fiery Jew" then. :lol: