Much Music


Jun 13, 2002
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Opeth were interviewed on the show's coming on again right now, which is midnight my time; it came on at 6, again at 10 I think, and who knows how many more times. I have it recorded to the satellite and 6 I didn't get to really watch it, but it's only 30 minutes, not much....I'd never seen the show before....but if you have Much, run to your tv's.....I think I'll watch it now for the heck of it
Interesting. I enjoyed Much's Loud sometimes until they stopped showing it. I remember when they were advertising their new MuchLoud channel...I never was able to get it. I don't have Much on my campus cable. Oh well.
Originally posted by Thorns of Sorrow
I hate that girl who hosts it with a bloody passion, she used to/still does (i dont really care) goto my school, and is a fucking poser groupie slut bitch.

haha, she goes to your school? well I half-way agree with you...the part about not liking her......what's her deal, she says nonsense constantly, trying to be funny I guess, in between all the obscenities....I was like :confused:
Well, if you really want to know...

She doesn't really like metal, I guess she may listen to it, but whatever. Basiclly what she does is, goto shows and fuck every guy in every band. Shes a groupie slut. The only reason why some bands put up with the idiotic nonsense that comes out her mouth, is because their dicks were in her mouth at least once. I met her on 2 occasions, the first, I said "hey, and introduced myself", she rolled her eyes and through a hissy fit and quickly walked away. The second time I was selling tixx, and promoting the local metal scene, and she just ignored me and walked away. I hate her with a passion. If my band ever gets big, and gets invited to do that show this what I'll do...

First off, Id grow and incredibly large beard, or wear a really big fake one. Wear giant Kerry King sunglasses, and a really big oversized cowboy hat. I wont shower for like 3 weeks, and chain smoke the whole interview. I'd mumble incohernat answers, or tell her all her questions are stupid, and just randomly blurt out, incherant things. Id burp and fart all over the set, during the interview, and look right in the camera, and tell all the people what a poser she is. I really cannot wait for that day...I have been planning this for far too long.
They all looked so disintered in that interview. The Martin's looked like they were about to fall asleep. And we found out Mike kinda likes Slipknot.

The best interview ever on that show was when she was interviewing System of a Down. They didn't want to talk to her, you could tell, and gave stupid answers and made fun of her the whole time.
hahaha...I think that's just Martin L's look...either that or he's always stoned...he looked like that at the show.
I thought Mike and Peter seemed normal, but I'm sure they don't like her, judging from what Elliot said...haha

Dan, are you the kid with the O that I talked to at the show?
Well, if you really want to know...

She doesn't really like metal, I guess she may listen to it, but whatever. Basiclly what she does is, goto shows and fuck every guy in every band. Shes a groupie slut. The only reason why some bands put up with the idiotic nonsense that comes out her mouth, is because their dicks were in her mouth at least once.

Well, in that case, if she starts walking funny then we'll know she interviewed Tool.
I saw it and it surprised the shit out of me. I was like what the fuck is Opeth doing on television? It was cool to see them on television, though. Her questions were stupid and just stupid lead ins to muic videos.
Damn my friend called me to tell me but he was too late. He said that "that band I always talk about was on much music" so I turned it on really fast and checked but they were playing Alice Cooper. I heard they showed more than one Opeth video. Is this true?
Opeth doesn't HAVE more than one video, and I don't count the one they do have. Also, I don't get MM down here, is there any chance of it being encoded? Even shitty horrible quality if time and space are a concern.
I would really like to see this!
Anyways, yes our band was featured on Much Much USA, remember Vehemence???? She said the same typical stuff form what I heard in high school about death metal bands all looking the same. Then asked us some really flirtasious questions that gott edited out. I am sure you know what im getting at. Shes just learning...slowly......
hahaha!!! That sounds like fun...i will be waiting for that show to air!

About Vehemence:

i saw that episode...but they didnt show that much of you guys. But at least you got air time, right? huh...

After that show she was complaining about being exhausted?! What the fuck was that about?!
she doesnt go to much shows...i'm guessing.

but what do i know...
yo, i try not to be a hata' on my sistaz, but that bitch pisses me off too. i saw her interviewing someone from soulfly and she was all "man, kids today -- ok, so im only 20 -- but its like they dont know their history, so they dont have the knowledge to even know whats good or not." that is the gayest dumbshit ever, which she will one day realize. man, who cares what other people like, and who cares if they listen to sabbath? people listen to what makes them happy. opeth and at the gates turn me on, i dont care if a bunch of other kids get off to limp bizkit. im glad theyre having a good time. i remember what fun felt like.