Multiple output devices OS X


Apr 11, 2006
I'm sure most people on here already know this, but I just came across the Multi-Output and Aggregate output device options built into OS X. Not sure how long ago they added these into the OS, I'm running Mountain Lion..

Pretty cool feature. I'm sure people have a genuine use for this, but I decided rather to check out and compare the different DACs I have on hand..

I ran three outputs all into my home theatre receiver - the in-built headphone output on my MBP, Thunderbolt to TV and audio out on my TV, and my USB M-Box mini.

Substantial difference between the three devices. The LG TV I ran some track through sucked a lot of life out of the track, highs were completely muffled (by comparison). The MBP headphone output sounded a hell of a lot better than I expected it to, despite having a bizarre high end ringing and a bit of hiss. In fact, while showing a little detail loss in the top end, the low end seemed more dynamic that through the M-Box - in a good way. Overall, M-Box sounded best by a reasonable distance - however I'd love to get hold of a really nice DAC and try this again.

Does anyone know of any nice DAC units that aren't too pricey? A while back I almost bought a Cambridge Audio DacMagic Plus at NZD$799, still looking at it. Interested in any other options if people have any recommendations.
Nice. Yeah, OSX has had this for a long time now, I remember first hearing about it way back on 10.3, could have been around since 10.1 for all I know. It's a great feature.
The converters on the Apogee Duet are really nice IMO.. you could use it as a dedicated DAC if you wanted to, and you can find the 1st gen for like 200 on ebay..