Radial X-amp frustration

Been using the X Amp for years with no problems. You could try a new power supply, because the unit is sturdy as hell.
When I plugged the Xamp for the first time, the sound was incredibly shitty! No volume, no gain, no low end... I found that its output needs to be pushed really hard to attack the amp properly and deliver the real sound of it. I also have to attack the box pretty hard before clipping. Just wanted to share my experience.
Thanks. For what it's worth, I always try to attack the box pretty hard before I clip. Haha. In all seriousness, however, I'm still curious if an impedance mismatch is possible between the output of the fast track and the input of the xamp.
Best way is to get your hands on another brand of reamp box and give it a shot. You may well have some kind of dud.

PS. Hurry up and release your album so I can stem master it or something!

Hell yes, ermz, I'll totally have you master it.
I had an issue that fits this description with early reamping attempts. It was an X-Amp at the time. I did find the output level low, but that could be compensated for with some clean gain from a boost after the actual problem was fixed.

The problem was tracking DIs too hot.

Back them off to -12dbfs peak. I run mine no hotter than -15, usually -18, and with the x-amp it fixed the no low end and horrible noise problem. Overall output was still low, but my red eye fixed that :).