Municipal Waste

man last week fuck i listened to their last 2 albums about over 30 times coz each album goes for like 20 minutes, this was when i was over at my mates house, not the most enjoyable music but fuck being in the pit at one of their concerts would be epic.
I like S.O.D. better. Municipal Waste are a novelty act who has their moments but they honestly aren't doing anything memorable.

S.O.D. are kind of a novelty act as well, considering they only get back together when Scott Ian's greedy jew ass needs more money in his bank account. ;)

But I am not bad mouthing S.O.D. because Speak English or Die rules.
S.O.D. are kind of a novelty act as well, considering they only get back together when Scott Ian's greedy jew ass needs more money in his bank account. ;)

But I am not bad mouthing S.O.D. because Speak English or Die rules.

You have a point I think what they have going for them is that they put out a great debut album that has gone on to become an underground classic...
I prefer straight ahead thrash to the cross over stuff, and what cross over I like isn't luke warm re-heated retro garbage.