from their management:
Dear Boarderz,
I have not taken occasion to post on this forum, but due to current circumstances I felt it was important. I know many of you have expressed concern, and in some cases, frustration in regards to the release of "Through The Ashes Of Empires" in various territories. I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify things and to express thanks on behalf of Machine Head and myself for your patience and understanding.
The album was released in Europe and the U.K. on Oct. 27th and it is due out in Australia and Japan toward the end of this month. As for the U.S., Canada and South America, we are still in the negotiation process with several labels. Traditionally, MH albums have been released almost simultaneously worldwide. Due to circumstances already elaborated upon by Robb to you all, this release is different. We have narrowed down the field of potential label partners for the above mentioned territories, and our hopes are that we will have an agreement in place at some point over the weeks ahead. It is important for MH to have a label in place that knows the band, the music, and all of you - the people that support them. It is not as much the financial aspect of the deals that is consuming time as much as it is the mechanics of structuring a deal that allows MH to be MH. We are fairly close, and of course, as soon as something is inked you all will be the first to know.
These markets, especially the U.S., require a fair amount of lead time to release an album properly (magazine ads, interviews, etc.), but we are confident that a deal will be in place and the process of releasing the album will be well underway before the end of the year, meaning TTAOE should be released in North and South America within the first quarter of the new year. MH spent the time to write and record an amazing album and were more hands-on with this album then anything they have ever done, and they have done one hell of a job. The tour is going great and everyone is excited about the response that the album is receiving. Do not get discouraged, the album will be out in whatever country you reside in soon, and we will try to be sure you all get a little something special for waiting. Again, thanks to you ALL for your support and your patience, none of this is possible without you.
-Joseph W. Huston
and from general flynn himself:
Hey, hey, hey.
Got a day off in Zurich, Switzerland today. Just chillin' at the Intercontinental Hotel Business Center at 1:05 AM. Being on tour is a trip, it's like working the graveyard shift. I go to bed around 5:30AM every night, 'cause I don't start "work" 'til around 11PM, so my morning begins at 2PM when I wake up. Day starts off with some Chai tea, or Chai Tea and a beer if I'm hungover. Do a bunch of interviews. Been doing more press than I've ever done in my life on this tour... DAMN! I'm not complaining or anything, it's cool, it's just a trip. After that I'll hang around the club, see what kind of interesting bathroom-like facility there may or may not be. Hang with the Kill II This's. Soundcheck, work on songs we're fucking up in the set, or songs we're trying to bring into the live set to alternate. Either that or jam on Priest, Maiden, old Pantera, or "The Safety Dance" by new wave gods Men Without Hats. *cough*
This tour has been going amazing, and I say that with sincere shock, people are freaking out on Machine Head, or as they pronounce it here in Europe, "Mushy Ned". It's been really fun man... beer, vodka, brawls, love. Last night we played Treviso, Italy, this is the first time we have ever been to this city, and girls were openly weeping in the audience during our set... for no reason! It was crazy!!! A couple of nights ago in Madrid, a couple of assholes thought it'd be fun to play "test the new guy", so after the show, the boys, following suit after Snoop D-O-double-Gizzle, had to hand out a couple of Pimp Smizzles. Ahhhh, you can take the Boys out of the Bay, but you can't take the Bay out of the Boys. A few nights before that, we played 2 nights in Portugal, and man, those fuckers are so crazy, it's just plain wrong. Biggest circle pit of the tour, HANDS DOWN!!! Fuck!!! Clapping along to "Descend"... singing it SO loud... even as I write it now... just... wow.
The connection this record has been making with people over here is really amazing. Dudes running up to me shaking, kissing my hand and telling me "I feel like I've known you my whole life", showing me their MH tattoos and shit. It kinda trips me out. I almost don't know what to say. I just try and calm them down, tell 'em it's gonna be alright, tell 'em music affects me the same way, tell 'em they don't need to put me up on a pedestal like that, tell 'em "You don't need to kiss my hand... Jeez!" It's been moving, really, it has been genuinely moving. Without trying to analyze things too deeply, it's kind of ironic that the record we finally wrote as just music fans again, is the record that's making the deepest connection to music fans.
U.S. situation is this close *holds fingers a quarter inch apart* to being worked out. A couple of surprises came out of nowhere just recently, including an unnamed imprint thru an unnamed major that could be very cool. As soon as we know enough to announce, we will, Head Cases.
Until then, looking HELLA forward to rolling thru your city, with half the shows sold out in advance FUCK YEAH!!! We plan on getting ripped with all of you. Our sole purpose is to metal out, drrrrrink your vodka, plunder your cities, and encourage the youth of your country to have promiscuous and consensual sex... in public toilet facilities.
Dear Boarderz,
I have not taken occasion to post on this forum, but due to current circumstances I felt it was important. I know many of you have expressed concern, and in some cases, frustration in regards to the release of "Through The Ashes Of Empires" in various territories. I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify things and to express thanks on behalf of Machine Head and myself for your patience and understanding.
The album was released in Europe and the U.K. on Oct. 27th and it is due out in Australia and Japan toward the end of this month. As for the U.S., Canada and South America, we are still in the negotiation process with several labels. Traditionally, MH albums have been released almost simultaneously worldwide. Due to circumstances already elaborated upon by Robb to you all, this release is different. We have narrowed down the field of potential label partners for the above mentioned territories, and our hopes are that we will have an agreement in place at some point over the weeks ahead. It is important for MH to have a label in place that knows the band, the music, and all of you - the people that support them. It is not as much the financial aspect of the deals that is consuming time as much as it is the mechanics of structuring a deal that allows MH to be MH. We are fairly close, and of course, as soon as something is inked you all will be the first to know.
These markets, especially the U.S., require a fair amount of lead time to release an album properly (magazine ads, interviews, etc.), but we are confident that a deal will be in place and the process of releasing the album will be well underway before the end of the year, meaning TTAOE should be released in North and South America within the first quarter of the new year. MH spent the time to write and record an amazing album and were more hands-on with this album then anything they have ever done, and they have done one hell of a job. The tour is going great and everyone is excited about the response that the album is receiving. Do not get discouraged, the album will be out in whatever country you reside in soon, and we will try to be sure you all get a little something special for waiting. Again, thanks to you ALL for your support and your patience, none of this is possible without you.
-Joseph W. Huston
and from general flynn himself:
Hey, hey, hey.
Got a day off in Zurich, Switzerland today. Just chillin' at the Intercontinental Hotel Business Center at 1:05 AM. Being on tour is a trip, it's like working the graveyard shift. I go to bed around 5:30AM every night, 'cause I don't start "work" 'til around 11PM, so my morning begins at 2PM when I wake up. Day starts off with some Chai tea, or Chai Tea and a beer if I'm hungover. Do a bunch of interviews. Been doing more press than I've ever done in my life on this tour... DAMN! I'm not complaining or anything, it's cool, it's just a trip. After that I'll hang around the club, see what kind of interesting bathroom-like facility there may or may not be. Hang with the Kill II This's. Soundcheck, work on songs we're fucking up in the set, or songs we're trying to bring into the live set to alternate. Either that or jam on Priest, Maiden, old Pantera, or "The Safety Dance" by new wave gods Men Without Hats. *cough*
This tour has been going amazing, and I say that with sincere shock, people are freaking out on Machine Head, or as they pronounce it here in Europe, "Mushy Ned". It's been really fun man... beer, vodka, brawls, love. Last night we played Treviso, Italy, this is the first time we have ever been to this city, and girls were openly weeping in the audience during our set... for no reason! It was crazy!!! A couple of nights ago in Madrid, a couple of assholes thought it'd be fun to play "test the new guy", so after the show, the boys, following suit after Snoop D-O-double-Gizzle, had to hand out a couple of Pimp Smizzles. Ahhhh, you can take the Boys out of the Bay, but you can't take the Bay out of the Boys. A few nights before that, we played 2 nights in Portugal, and man, those fuckers are so crazy, it's just plain wrong. Biggest circle pit of the tour, HANDS DOWN!!! Fuck!!! Clapping along to "Descend"... singing it SO loud... even as I write it now... just... wow.
The connection this record has been making with people over here is really amazing. Dudes running up to me shaking, kissing my hand and telling me "I feel like I've known you my whole life", showing me their MH tattoos and shit. It kinda trips me out. I almost don't know what to say. I just try and calm them down, tell 'em it's gonna be alright, tell 'em music affects me the same way, tell 'em they don't need to put me up on a pedestal like that, tell 'em "You don't need to kiss my hand... Jeez!" It's been moving, really, it has been genuinely moving. Without trying to analyze things too deeply, it's kind of ironic that the record we finally wrote as just music fans again, is the record that's making the deepest connection to music fans.
U.S. situation is this close *holds fingers a quarter inch apart* to being worked out. A couple of surprises came out of nowhere just recently, including an unnamed imprint thru an unnamed major that could be very cool. As soon as we know enough to announce, we will, Head Cases.
Until then, looking HELLA forward to rolling thru your city, with half the shows sold out in advance FUCK YEAH!!! We plan on getting ripped with all of you. Our sole purpose is to metal out, drrrrrink your vodka, plunder your cities, and encourage the youth of your country to have promiscuous and consensual sex... in public toilet facilities.