music depressing only to you


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
yea more of an observation than anything, but does anyone else have albums where the music itself isn't really depressing but it's associated with a depressing time in your life so you find it depressing? for some reason i find sonata arctica depressing for this reason...i don't even really like sonata arctica though, it's not like i listen to it constantly....weird :confused:
Warlord - Lost And Lonely Days
I mean.. the music and the melody is what is considered to be happy, but it brings me down for personal reasons. I know it has that effect on others too..maybe its the lyrics..dont know..
I used to get mad when I'd listen to Morbid Angel - Domination, until I figured out why. That was the album I was listening to nonstop when I had my first real breakup, something like 10 years ago. She did some real nasty things that made me dislike her for a long time.

Haha, going to lunch with her tomorrow, she's all married and pregnant now. :loco:
Actually some newer Sentenced for shit reasons, but that is also depressing to teenage girls so I guess that's not "only to me"
Coldplay--especially anything on Rush of Blood...
I was listening to it non-stop during a bad time in my life two years ago. The Scientist especially reminds me of these times. It was the one I listened to and related to the most.
Hotel California by The Eagles and The Crimson Idol by WASP albums. Wasted Time by The Eagles, especially, I simply refuse to listen to when I'm in a good mood cos I can't be done with remiscing about suckass times and having my day ruined :loco:
It's weird how music can remind you of things that you were doing while listening to it, even years afterward. I can't really think of anything that depresses me when I hear it, but that's probably because I'm rarely depressed. I can however think of a lot of songs that remind me of certain video games I was playing or things of that nature, and interestingly enough, it works both ways. Certain things I do can remind me of songs I was listening to when I did the same thing in the past.
lizard said:
I know exactly what you mean...I had a Lynch Mob song on the radio when I was first moving to Ohio and wrecked my U-haul....ugh.
Well, the guy who caused the accident (due to speeding) lost his wife and one of his kids. My mother and I both spent several weeks lying motionless on our backs with broken vertebras. Worst time of my life.
Ironically, the title of the shitty pop song that was playing on the radio the moment the other car crashed into ours was When I Die. :ill:
Dev said:
Faith no More - Midnight Cowboy :erk:
Good one.

Life of Agony - River Runs Red

Although this sorta uplifts me because I think "hey, could be a lot worse." :erk:
Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream

Album saved my life. I think of that anytime I hear my fave songs off it, like "Cherub Rock" and "Mayonnaise" and especially "Today."