Music format you prefer?


Dec 9, 2012
Leskovac, Serbia
1. Vinyl
2. MC (cassette)
3. CD
4. MP3/FLAC/digital etc.

It is quite simple - choose how do you like your music and tell us something about it - why, how etc.

You may notice I've added MC to the list, which is quite an overlooked format on most polls I've seen (this was supposed to be a poll, but I'm dumb and don't know how to make one - I'd appreciate if a mod/admin would do that for me).

So go ahead, make my day.

It'd be nice if you could explain why is the specific format the format of your choice.
My #1 is vinyl, for the various reasons I stated in that other thread and the artwork in particular. #2 is CD, first of all because not everything is available on vinyl and secondly, CDs are practical if you're doing something where you do not want to get up every 20 minutes to change sides. #3 = digital, easiest way of checking out new stuff and of course for listening outside of the house. #4 = MC, I still have several drawers full of them and every once in a while I listen to some of them simply because I only have the stuff in question on cassette.
CD. To me it’s nice to browse through a real cover sleeve, admire beautiful artworks (I might even be bit disappointed if there's only lyrics and nothing else) and read lyrics. Besides my shelf would look so empty without all that music stuff. :D Then again I have a habit to put the music from CDs to my phone as well, so I can listen to music while taking a walk or school trip. It's useful in that way.

We did have vinyl player as well, but now it's in garbage dump because it broke. But I agree that artwork looks even better in this kind of bigger size. I actually think I would buy some vinyls as well, if we still had a working player...
I love vinyl. That's all I'll say. However, aside from being expensive, they do require quite a care. And a great record player (mine is okay for regular, million-prints stuff - but when it comes to rarities - a few of which I have - it isn't the best player). So I, sadly, tend to avoid them. Plus, I still need to visit a shop which stores records properly - I'm pretty sure all I've seen come in warped or otherwise damaged.

So, because of all practical reasons, I prefer CDs. Yes, I value vinyl more, but nothing I can do...

As for MP3, it is the most practical, sure, but I never find myself fully focused on listening MP3 music. I don't have a booklet. I can't smell it. I can't browse through it. I don't have a CD box. I don't have a good sound.
All I have is a monitor for me to stare at it and two little speakers. Practical, but not the most enjoyable.

MCs deserve a special mention. I loved them as a kid and still quite appreciate them. I hate myself for skipping an opportunity to get Amo MCs (Tales and Elegy I think) for 4 euros a year back or so. Not that I could play them (my cassette player broke down), but for that money, they'd look great on my shelf.

So, CDs in the end.

Question #2 for all who have CDs - jewel box or digipak?
Digital codex

I think that CDs are the best compromise between data storage, sound fidelity, and durability. I listen to more digital files than to actual CDs, but I want the CD on hand as a physical archive of the data. Vinyl is too vulnerable to damage and distortion of its physical material to pay for the coolness factor and warmth of its sound.

And other than the nostalgia factor of growing up when tapes were the mp3s of the pre-digital age, I can't think of any reason why I'd want one over any of these others today. Tapes do not offer a single advantage over any of these others.

(Keep in mind, though, that all this comes from a guy that would rather have a SS amp than a tube amp for anything but a recording studio scenario).
CDs. 9 times out of 10 I listen to music on my iPod but I do like to have the CD since it has the best quality and as a backup in case something happens to my computer. Plus, sitting down and listening to an album is much more enjoyable with the songs at their highest quality. I never buy anything on iTunes unless it's a single or exclusive bonus track.
I don't mind iTunes now that it is 256 kbps and no DRM. I prefer CD, but it's getting harder for me to find music that way, especially for smaller Nordic bands where I have to pay import prices. So I pick and choose my CDs and resort to iTunes whenever I get sick of waiting and looking for the CD.
1. CD
2. Digital
3. MC
4. Vinyl

1. I don't know, maybe I'm just that generation that CD was the obvious choice. I had plenty of MC's (mainly childrens music), but when I bought my first album with my own money, it was CD and I was really proud of it. I was like 11 years old or something and the CD was Backstreet Boys. :D
2. I don't buy any digital music, want the real CD etc, but I transfer almost all my music to digital form so I can listen to music where ever. I moved to MP3 really late, I carried my portable CD-player with me so far that my friends made a jokes about it.
3. Really wish I still would say casettes are #2, but no. :( My old car had only MC player and radio, no CD player at all. I recorded music again and again to my two tapes. There was only two of them, because any shops didn't sell those tapes anymore.
4. I don't have any vinyls.
CD. I can't justify paying for a digital file that can be lost if my computer or device takes a shit.
Plus I love having the packaging, artwork etc. It provides an atmosphere to the music.