Music Library Percentages by Country

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Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
I was bored so I made some calculations with my itunes music library and got the following percentages by country of my enitre collection.

Sweden – 27%
USA – 24%
Norway – 19%
Great Britain – 11%
Germany – 10%
Poland – 5%
Canada – 2%
Other – 2%

Anyone else who cares to do what I did feel free to post it here.
I have way too much music and no easy way to do that but manually for me to even consider such an endeavor. :|
How about how many gigs are in your library?

around 7 in mine...
America: 24%
UK: 36%
Germany: 4%
Norway: 14%
Poland: 2%
Australia: 2%
Sweden: 3%
Switzerland: 2%
Finland: 8%
Italy: 3%
Canada: 2%
It's been a few months, time to update my numbers.

Sweden – 28%
USA – 26.9%
Norway – 17%
Great Britain – 13.4%
Germany – 7.1%
Poland – 3.5%
Canada – 2.1%
Other – 2%
Zephyrus said:
only 3% for sweden? that's a bit odd.

lol, yeah. I don't have much music on my computer. I keep most of my music on discs. Only around 100(very wide guess) songs on my computer aren't on any discs. I only have 533 songs on here, because my computer is 5 years old and I have enough junk on it already :)

I probably have a little over a hundred CDs though. Not very impressive, but I've only been into metal for... probably two years. And I'm 21. Shut up. Before that was assorted grunge, classic rock, death/gothic rock and darkwave, which I'm still into.
could someone post the math? i slept through pretty much every math class from kindergarden through high school
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