Music Library Percentages by Country

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I organized my computerized music library by country and did the math. On iTunes I put the bands' respective country in the "Grouping" category to expediate the process.
Sweden 13.5%
Japan 1.5%
UK 5%
US 38.5%
Finland 5%
Germany 5%
France 2%
Norway 15%
The Netherlands 2%
Poland 2%
Australia 1.5%
Italy 1.5%
Canada 1%
Other: 3% bands with less than 1% (denmark, Ukraine, Belgium, Brazil, South Korea, Russia, Singapore)

12.9 gigs on itunes

and btw. this doesnt include vinyl. mostly because i dont have a usb turntable to put my vinyl o computer yet.
I have a 14 gig computer, so in reality I have way more than 7 gigs of music. It's just that I can't fit anymore on my computer.
Of 798 CD's, tapes & vinyls, excluding stuff I haven't received yet and V/A comps:

Sweden 26,3%
USA 15,7%
Norway 12,9%
United Kingdom 11,2%
Finland 6,9%
Germany 6,9%
Ukraine 3,3%
Denmark 1,9%
France 1,5%
Austria 1,4%
Australia 1,4%
Russia 1,3%
Switzerland 1,1%
Brazil 0,8%
Greece 0,8%
Holland 0,8%
Ireland 0,8%
Italy 0,8%
Romania 0,8%
Canada 0,5%
Lithuania 0,5%
Poland 0,5%
Mexico 0,4%
Chile 0,2%
Estonia 0,2%
Latvia 0,2%
Belgium 0,1%
Peru 0,1%
genocide roach said:
and btw. this doesnt include vinyl. mostly because i dont have a usb turntable to put my vinyl o computer yet.

You don't need one; if your turntable has some kind of output (headphone jack, aux out, whatever), you can run that into the sound card on your comp; much easier than doing it via USB, maybe a bit less in terms of quality, but still.
Erik said:

Also consider that Sweden only has 9 million

Norway 4,6

Hmm, I never knew that! I find Norway/Finland especially humourous because my home city of Toronto boasts a population of at least 4.5 million in the greater metropolitan area.
OK, my collection has nearly doubled in size, time for an update.

Sweden: 24%
Norway: 22%
USA: 14%
Great Britain: 12%
Germany: 5%
Poland: 5%
Austria: 2%
Finland: 2%
Switzerland: 2%
Other: 12% (Canada, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands)
sar·casm (sär'kāz'əm)

1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
3. The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.

[Late Latin sarcasmus, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein, to bite the lips in rage, from sarx, sark-, flesh.]
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