music like gordian knot and at war with self

Jun 18, 2008
i really like these bands....good progressive rock and the acoustic guitars with a good drum beat sounds great. its really chill but can get heavy. kind of reminds me of opeths damnation album...all this kind of stuff is what i am looking for.i would really like to find some more instrumental bands of this nature if possible but vocals can be cool. can you help?
If you like Damnation you should check out Anathema's new album 'Hindsight' or Green Carnation's 'Acoustic Verses'.

As for Gordian Knot/At War with Self...try Canvas Solaris-'The Atomized Dream'
Canvas Solaris-'The Atomized Dream'

You seriously took the words right out of my mouth.

Try Blotted Science/Ron Jarzombek/Spastic Ink if you haven't already! They're all great & Ron is killer. Everything he touches turns to gold including Gordian Knot.

Try Planet X also, if you haven't already. You gotta check out Moonbabies, then Quantum. If you like that more fusion inspired stuff you can check out Derek Sherinian's solo stuff, Jordan Rudess's solo stuff, & the band Aphelion.

Also try Sepia Dreamer, Continuo Renacer, & On the Virg; but I've only heard these bands on MySpace.

Also, since you like Behold the Arctopus check out Indricothere. It's their Warr guitarists side band & I prefer it to Behold.
wow thanks for the recs but i already LOVE those bands....especially canvas solaris and all the ron jerzombek shit. that is more metal ....i am looking for less metal and more chill progressive rock but still kind of heavy. canvas solaris does have some songs that are just slower prog which are cool. i love that jazz fusion shit and on the virg especially is sick beyond words.

you guys got anything else