I eventually got lost reading that lot, anyone know how to speak gippo??Andreea said:you should stay put in a corner. I might come and get good money exactly for your little brain, 'course only for scientific research.
and again: am happy we have so different opinions.
otherwise, if I were you, I would eventually get lost.
yeah, i forgot him. he's the only mastermind from the new generation.Abcidia said:Mike Patton
aye, you're damn right this timeAlwin said:J.S. Bach
yesyesautumnsphere said:no really, if there is a true MUSIC MASTERMIND, this is Bach and after him everything is silence. He's a God. He's not from this Planet.
also yesLoboUivante said:beethoven, chopin, mozart, bach, etc eheh
Andreea said:I am just afraid for Daniel not to go insane. he makes me shiver. all of their albums are conceptual pieces. but I feel there is an endless storm going on.
Bambi said:geoff tate?? a genuis?? With that haircut?? have you heard the mans solo album?? jesus wept what are you lot like. He's a nice set of pipes and he wrote a killer album in 1988 so he qualifies as genius??
Bambi said:speak gippo!![]()
July said:No Offence Bambi but I dont think I agree with you on that. You are referring just to Operation mindcrime and I think that there are more good works from Queensryche like Rage for order and Promised Land.
The vocals of this guy used to be perfect. Personally I think that was one of the best progressive singers ever. And its a fact that a lot of guys were influenced by him.
It is obvious that he has "personal problems now. His voice (especially live) is not like used to be and I think he really lives in his own world. Its a pity to judge him from his solo album and last Queensryche works.
But it's an Anathema Forum and I write for Geoff Tate. :Smug:
Anyway where is Dunc. Still not back?
just to tell you I don't even understand all the wordsMaqus said:dive kerena
János bácsi szakeresz a vakeresz
Jaj de nagyon kamelom a burádat
Nekimenjek ne menjek
Hej a tenger szemednek
Inkább iszom három deci kevertet
Hej de nagyon komállak
Hogy szétvet a bubánat
Mer te engem nem komálsz
Sukár csávó, verjen meg a devla
Mer én felfordulok a nagy bánatomba'