music masterminds

DragonLady1 said:
mehdi, wtf, I think now u just got a bit too far no? cant u just think a bit and stop flaming around for nothing? this is just beyond low and not funny anymore :yuk: :erk: :OMG:

can i shag you dragonlady? ah go on ourra dat :hotjump:
siderea said:
that one, it was 3:31 and i was too lame to check his name, my mistake.
i only have closer though. what should i hear next?

sound, savage minimal album. since youve started at his most recent under his Plastikman alias, i suggest work backwards. get Consumed next, then Musik, Artefakts BC, and finally Sheet One ( youre getting into very acid territory there which you may or may not like) incidentally that last one came with a sheet of blot paper acid tabs on intial copies of vinyl and cd. it was banned in the US, recent editions dont come with it. i do have one, cd sized, some are acid some arent. i have tried them, but i dont want to destroy the sheet, the vinyl edition is highly sought after, obviously cos it has a bigger sheet, which means - more acid :D

some people dont like the late 90's + style, and prefer the Sheet One era more, i think its all ahead of its time and hes the instigator for the rest that followed. the sound production on all require massive speakers at full volume to get the ideal almost hypnotic effect, unreal live.

then theres his own works under his own name, which is much more full on, other side projects of his are FUSE, Concept (minimal) etc
discouraged1 said:
@zupi: what do you think of Dälek?

i have a Kid606 split with Dälek, the Ruin It EP, its on Tigerbeat6, yea its good, stuff from a few years back ive heard, though Kid606, and Jace Clayton /DJ Rupture / Nettle is top drawer, its more sort of broken beat rather than hip hop that i would prefer
zupi_clone said:
the sound production on all require massive speakers at full volume to get the ideal almost hypnotic effect, unreal live.
hehe yeah i know. a friend with good speakers put closer on a lot last year, i had only a shit portable cd player 10 years old back then. the speakers started making a weird sound after one heavy summer night of closer through it :grin:
so i got quite okay payable speakers now (liddl really), problem is my roommate who ran into me with fright in his eyes last time i played it in da living room :(

it'd be lovey the vinyl, but the player is too 80ies, i dont dare too.
Bambi said:
I just bought queen of the reich and warning today though, cheap remastered cds :tickled: . I was a bit embarrased going to the checkout though so i bought the klassic king tubby/augustus pablo sessions as well to show im not some geek :blush:
shit im listening to warning now, this was actually the first metal lp i ever heard, i used to creep into me sisters room and play her copy when she was out :blush:
Forgotten how good this was for its time, scott rockenfelds was a class drummer even back then and tate was a awesome singer. shit i feel bad now for hating on kweensreich. :tickled:

funny tho how metal bands can still do a bad imitation of this stuff 20 years later and not be laughed off the stage :wave:
errm not sure, i dont have a good memory for this stuff. Thin, dark long hair?

yeah she was a metal teenie lol, i inheirited some cool vinyl off her but its all gone nearly now :erm:
discouraged1 said:
@zupi: i've got sir richies DE9 - closer to the edit. melikes pretty much. is plastikman better? should i try sheet one? is it more aaaaccciiiiiiiid??

DE9 - closer to the edit contains over 100 loops, unreal, Plastikman is just more minimal and dark. ive a few sets of Plastikman, yea try them all