Music Stores in San Fran

ebay seriously tho, i was checking out recently and there's a million posts for music equipment all over the bay area. i haven't actually purchased any of it that way, and some of it may be hot, but if you're in the area it may be worth a try.
Haight and Ashbury Music in (you guessed it!) Haight & Ashbury, and Rocker Guitars on Howard between 9th & 10th. Rocker are really good for high end amps and are really nice to deal with. They gave me a full refund on a guitar when they were under no obligation to.
Razorjack said:
Haight and Ashbury Music in (you guessed it!) Haight & Ashbury

That place sucks, stay away. They're a bunch of vultures with the "so, you gonna buy that?" mentality. I refuse to do business with them.

Razorjack said:
, and Rocker Guitars on Howard between 9th & 10th. Rocker are really good for high end amps and are really nice to deal with. They gave me a full refund on a guitar when they were under no obligation to.

Rocker is pretty sweet, but dont try to converse with them unless you know your shit. If you pass the test, then they're cool as can be, but they dont waste their time with kids. They have some really really sick gear, and remember to watch your head (Guitars are hanging everywhere)! :hypno:

Then there's Real Guitars, which is a the quintessential hole in the wall musty alleyway guitar shop. They have some badass vintage gear, and probably the best guitar repair/modification services in the Bay Area. Satch and Hammett have been known to hang out there.

But the best music store in the Bay Area (IMO) is Gelb Music which technically isn't in San Francisco (Its in Redwood City, about a half hour drive south), but it completely absolutely worth the trip. They have great high end stuff, really friendly demeanor, and are pretty self service (ie. you can pick stuff off the wall without people freaking out). The best and more varied selection, and great prices.

Theres also Guitar Center. :loco:
whao thanks people will get to as many as I can,

be interesting to see the price differences between Australia and US, we get ripped off pretty badly here.

theres also some pedals and mics I'm keen to check out - I can already feel a burning sensation in my back pocket where my wallet used to be LOL !
Brooks said:
That place sucks, stay away. They're a bunch of vultures with the "so, you gonna buy that?" mentality. I refuse to do business with them.

It's a mentality that I'm used to in the UK so I never noticed it!!

Brooks said:
Rocker is pretty sweet, but dont try to converse with them unless you know your shit. If you pass the test, then they're cool as can be, but they dont waste their time with kids. They have some really really sick gear, and remember to watch your head (Guitars are hanging everywhere)! :hypno:

I guess I passed the test as I spent about 4hrs talking to the guys in there about gear and trying out all the 'Not to be played' guitars they had behind the counter!!