Music to scare the crap out of little kids by


Sep 16, 2003
San Diego
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I'm putting together yet another mix CD of horrifying music and soundscapes to play in front of my house on Halloween.

My favorite, and always included, is A Chud Convention (Skinny Puppy and Legendary Pink Dots side project). I'm thinking of adding some new Celtic Frost. But can anyone recommend some metal, prog, goth, industrial, ambient, or whatever, music or sounds to scare the living hell out of the children (and maybe adults) in my neighborhood?
SunnO))) - Bow1, from the album Flight of the Behemoth will certainly get the job done. Other SunnO))) songs will work as well.
Metal: I think pretty much most extreme (black/death) metal would be enough to scare most children and adults
Industrial/noise: Current93, Coil, Gruntsplatter, In Slaughter Natives, maybe some early day Swans
Ambient: Herbst9, Lustmord, Raison d'Etre

And not scary, but I think Bob Drake would also suit halloween really well.
I'm sure The Axis Of Perdition's 'Deleted Scenes From The Transition Hospital' would suffice in scaring children.

And there's Stallagh or whatever it's called.. Recorded a 30/40 song made up purely of screams of patients from a mental asylum.. Or so i've heard!
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I think basically any band that sings about satanic crap would probably scare little kids (I.e. Behemoth, Gorgoroth, crappy bands like Deicide, etc.) but it probably wouldn't be too good of an influence!!!11one

lol at name dropping behemoth, and then saying "crappy bands" in conjunction with deicide. failure.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I think basically any band that sings about satanic crap would probably scare little kids (I.e. Behemoth, Gorgoroth, crappy bands like Deicide, etc.) but it probably wouldn't be too good of an influence!!!11one

You say that like Behemoth's recent work isn't just a dumbed down version of Legion for people who wear velcro shoes to the mosh pit.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
Sorry, I forgot I couldn't have an opinion. :erk:

Cry me a river, cunt. No one has disputed your right to an opinion, we've just pointed out that the opinion you hold makes you look like a goddamn retard.