Music world being Filled with more and more crap and copy artists then ever before?

Oct 28, 2005
Crewe, England
Asmegin, Agalloch, Celestia, Novembers Doom, MoonSorrow, Arcturus, Sirenia, Therion, Wood of Ypres, Opeth, Lamb Of God, ect
I am compleatly in love with those bands above but recently I've come to a stand still with finding more bands i actually can merely even stand. Is it just me or is there more crap around these days then ever before, theres plenty of bands that claim to be better then those above and plenty that claime to be more "hardcore" then the rest, yet none of these "wannabes" (I loathe that term) ever even live up to being on the same level as the legend bands they claim to be better then.
I've noticed that since the "Nu metal"outbreak the amount of these 'get rich quick, get famous, get laid , get drunk and really provide nothing for the music community" bands have been popping up none stop, all claiming to be the next Metallica or better than any credible band they can come up with. I'm bored of pop bands claiming to be metal and I'm bored of "pussies" claiming to be 'hardcore'. And to be honest these days hardcore purely means lazy assholes who don't even care about the music they create as long as they get sales. It does however, amuse me seeing all these bands rise, fall and dissapear compleatly all , usually within a year.
I just wish more bands that are actually making credible music were promoted the way these "come go" bands are, that way maybe we'd have less little kids running round talking about being "hardcore". Rant over - now rip everthing I said to peices :Spin:
AngelicDelinquency said:
I am compleatly



as the legend bands

popping up none stop

dissapear compleatly all


maybe if they promoted Grammar instead of metal we'd all be saved.
as for your argument, i'm a fan of all forms of music. you want the cold dirty truth? 99% of metal is superfluous. 99% of pop. 99% of country. 99% of all music is jack, and it doesn't matter what genre you specify, there are bad apples. there are also rare gems, and if you're going to go genre-bashing, you're just missing out, and personally, i don't care. i enjoy looking for the gems in every genre, to get a complete musical perspective of great communication through sound.

fuck metalheads, i'm a musichead.
Yeah sorry about that, my computer buggered I didn't mean to doublethread at all. One more point - what is the deal with this "roadrunner united" they sound like papa roach mixed with simple plan with a frum beat thats noticable?
I didn't mean just metal, I'm on about all music ... and i agree most music is shit, and there are gems, but their so fucking hard to find these days it just annouys me - i just saw roadrunner united and needed a little rant - not to be taken to seriosuly :)
And I'm aware my grammer sucks thanks
I hope you remember that music is an industry. Yeah, a lot of bands do it for the music, but they need money. It's a job. They have to be able to support themselves, which is pretty hard, especially for metal bands.
AngelicDelinquency said:
I'm on about all music ... and i agree most music is shit

:OMG: :err: :erk:
I happen to think the opposite.
I think most music is listenable. Even if you are in a bad band I can listen and accept it for what it is. And at least it is creative and something positive which is surely what we need more of rather than a "crap crap crap" attitude.
Oh, actually I agree with Silent Song. Most bands are crap, no matter what genre we are talking about. You can also find good music in every genre if you search.
But if you have heard a band its because someone doesn't think they are crap. And maybe there is something we can learn from even the seemingly worst music? I mean pop stars have such charisma, they have to, afterall in most cases its all they have.

Rappers are very skilled, to babble on like they do for an entire show must be a challenge. I don't like rap, but I can see how they are talented at talking fast and its better than shooting someone.

Those annoying hardcore bands, they are good at taking Nu Metal and rehashing it and making lots of money. If this music is so bad why does it sell so much? Because someone likes it. Or is taken in by the hype. Whatever, there's a skill, and I can appreciate it, even if its just brainwashing kids into buying their albums.

I just don't see the point in saying everything is bad. Dismissing things is pointless and selfish dont you think? At least try to come up with something positive to say, like "I think that most music is crap but even the worst band I can think of sells more CD's than I ever will and touches more people emotionally than I ever will physically."

Thats not supposed to be aimed at anyone in particular by the way, for all I know ya'll could be sex maniacs who do "touch people" for a living. But I'm sure you get my point.
Opeth, MoonSorrow, Sirenia, Therion... haven't heard the others so I can't comment really.
Silent Song said:
maybe if they promoted Grammar instead of metal we'd all be saved.
as for your argument, i'm a fan of all forms of music. you want the cold dirty truth? 99% of metal is superfluous. 99% of pop. 99% of country. 99% of all music is jack, and it doesn't matter what genre you specify, there are bad apples. there are also rare gems, and if you're going to go genre-bashing, you're just missing out, and personally, i don't care. i enjoy looking for the gems in every genre, to get a complete musical perspective of great communication through sound.

fuck metalheads, i'm a musichead.


let's b friends <3
Agalloch > Arcturus > Opeth > Novembers Doom > Moonsorrow > Therion > Asmegin > Sirenia > Celestia > Lamb Of God > > > > > > > > > Woods Of Crapness