Music world being Filled with more and more crap and copy artists then ever before?

Gunhaver said:
lol, i know you're not making it up. does that mean these dumbass bands are right? open up a gramma book and get your shit from there, not some horrible metal bandz

Just to clear this argument up; band names can be both singular and plural. Depends on whether one is referring to the members of the band- in which case it would be used as somewhat of a collective noun- or referring to the band as a thing, that is: opeth is a good band. as an example of the former: [the members of] opeth are talented musicians.
you stupid australian bastard! (please not the fact that i, too, am australian)

anyhoo, i've noticed your sig before and i'm not sure whether you did the the translation yourself, used the wonder full google(though i doubt that, putting umbringt at the end after an interrogative used as subject seems a bit too advanced for google), or whateve, but using the verb 'machen' as a reflexive in the sense you have is a dative construction, so therefore the sentence should read '.. macht MIR stärker'

not trying to be a smartarse, just bein helpful.
You guys crack me up. Really.

Why don't some of you try something for once- have an open mind. Instead of arguing about your stupid, ridiculous points, try to see from the other person's point of view. Try to look at something through a different lens. Sure, have an oppinion of your own, but don't bash others for having a different oppinion from your own. Instead, try and understand one another, and appreciate the many unique ways of seeing things. If we all thought the same way, life would be boring.

Also, if there were no shitty bands, and all music was good and we all thought all the music was good, where would be the fun in that? Learn to appreciate the fact that "good" bands are rare to come across instead of complaining about it. It's like a precious stone. Learn to cherish it.

Thank you, and have a nice day.

Opeth rules.
Sadpoet said:
Why don't some of you try something for once- have an open mind. Instead of arguing about your stupid, ridiculous points, try to see from the other person's point of view. Try to look at something through a different lens. Sure, have an oppinion of your own, but don't bash others for having a different oppinion from your own. Instead, try and understand one another, and appreciate the many unique ways of seeing things. If we all thought the same way, life would be boring.

Perhaps like:

Sadpoet said:
Also, if there were no shitty bands, and all music was good and we all thought all the music was good, where would be the fun in that? Learn to appreciate the fact that "good" bands are rare to come across instead of complaining about it. It's like a precious stone. Learn to cherish it.

I guess we can all learn something, even from ourselves. :p
Well it's nice to see a thread I posted as a rant survive so long ...
One thing - no one in their right mind can say all music has plus sides ... what about the shit where all you have is one beat and then some dude going "yeah ... yeah ... baby ... westside... pimp ... yeah ... hos ... yeah ... biatch..."?
The plus side was that when they recorded it they weren't out shootin' n lootin'.

And why is it a bad thing that their music isn't complex? I didn't realise that only guitar music is good. Yeah, rap and whatever they want to call it is simple and boring to probably most of us, but they still have skill. I don't enjoy sports but I can appreciate that footballers and whatever have skill. I won't say Mr big famous football star is rubbish just because I don't like football. He is probably a good footballer.
AngelicDelinquency said:
Well it's nice to see a thread I posted as a rant survive so long ...
One thing - no one in their right mind can say all music has plus sides ... what about the shit where all you have is one beat and then some dude going "yeah ... yeah ... baby ... westside... pimp ... yeah ... hos ... yeah ... biatch..."?
oh, you mean rap?

NEWSFLASH: there are good rap groups.
I like the Beastie Boys... if they are rap.. or hip hop... or whatever they are. I like 'em if my brother is listening to them, but I wouldn't choose to listen to them on my own.
how bout those metal bands that just play E5 for 100 measures?

like i said, a lot of stuff out there is unoriginal or pointless... but there is good in all forms.
Silent Song said:
how bout those metal bands that just play E5 for 100 measures?

like i said, a lot of stuff out there is unoriginal or pointless... but there is good in all forms.
man, why you gotta be so bloody possitive about things ... you cant say everythings good, or atleast has a good point to it, well you can but it's like saying a badly scripted play was actually goodly scripted because a certain word was used. I can't be that possitive , I respect other peoples opinions but some things are ... shall we say "not considerably good"
positive? after i said 99% of all music is bullshit? haha... i see your point though. I'm just saying that there's something in every genre that's unique, interesting, and exploring the boundaries of music. there are of course, a vast majority of crap bands as well. as metal fans, we are in tune with who's good and who isn't in metal, so it seems like metal has a lot of great stuff and others don't. but this is more because we are just more familiar with it...
I myself , am actually really fond of the 80's "goth" scence not just metal ... I just find alot that in the metal scences its always "we are the best, we beat everyone" while having the whole I just wanna get laid attitude ... it seems pathetic yet strangly hilarious when bands like limp bizcuit or however their spelt and simple plan is it? claim to be 'heavy'.
In pop music today , if a band isnt right* they dont get sales and ignored, whereas in metal and rock so many of these bands are all thats promoted in the mainstream media they won't go away. I know to many alot of the bands I listen to are not in high esteem , but then most likely its vice versa.

*Isn't good enough, doesnt fit the critea of successful, and fails to accomidate it's target audiance
Off topic , anyone who reads music magazines , for those who dont already know - which there should be very few - Zero Tolerance is an excellent metal magazine unlike Metal Hammer it's promoting more credible bands then popular bands - in my opinion