Music you like that isn't Metal

I <3 Coheed. They're playing a show tonight, I would have went but I already saw them in October and it's just too expensive... I'd rather go see Iron Maiden end of June.
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^Play Coheed and I'll love you :lol: Their guitar shit is actually pretty cool it might interest you. He is actually a really good player imo and pulls out some sick shit live, he knows a lot of tricks.
Fetzer, that was rad!

I am having a really hard time believing some of the shit you guys claim to listen :lol: Like that female pop stuff *insert erk face*

The band in itself is fucking ridicoulus, but that song is awesome - well the song is gonna be fucking ridiculous if the only thing you like is things like Death Metal.

PS: That song is fucking awesome live.
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<3 Coheed. They're playing a show tonight, I would have went but I already saw them in October and it's just too expensive... I'd rather go see Iron Maiden end of June.

Whichever album had Welcome Home on it.
I had to listen to every day, 5 days a week, for 2 months.

It wears a bit fucking thin....

and I've decided I like neofolk.
I play Miley Cyrus' songs on guitar every day. :lol: Seriously! They serve as good warmups to get bloodflow into my hands before playing Bodom stuff!

I was watching Hannah Montana yesterday and afterwards they showed a live show from London. I actually liked some of them and I know the words to the intro theme song. :lol: I think I might buy her album too. :lol: :kickass:
:lol: I'd say it's more "believable" than Heartless' Indian songs!

:lol: Hey, that dancing plus the catchy music makes for a feast for the eyes and ears, strange cultures are funny.

NO FUCKIN' WAY! Even I dig those :lol::lol::lol: I am mesmerized by that Tunuk Tunuk Dirka Dirka one.

:lol: Awesome. Seriously I couldn't tell that it was only one guy in different suites for the longest time :lol:
The best song that I've heard lately is by THE TING TINGS called THAT'S NOT MY NAME. It's so shit but I love it. :lol:
