Music you like that isn't Metal

well yeah, it is subjective, but relatively speaking she does have a pretty bad voice. Especially if you compare her to singers such as Dido. And those many others that like her are mostly little brainwashed kids.

And on topic: I like Dido's music :D It's very relaxing for a rainy day.

I really love Sia. I trully <3 her voice and that song is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME:

Her last album suck tho.
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Coheed & Cambria are decent too.
:zombie:I really didn't peg you as someone who would like them, but that's awesome.
hush, you :p
I like some of Tenacious D's aucoustic riffs. That's it. I'm metal to the bone :kickass:
I like some Tenacious D too, but they're more like rock/metal which is not really what I was hoping to hear about from people, most metalheads inherently like rock, because that was a stepping stone usually.
I'll just shift the blame over to Joe and let him and his Punjab hero's handle it:lol:
--edit: Well compared to Dido, a LOT of singers don't have very good voices. :p

Dam, I misread the name "Dido", what was I thinking about :lol:

I think pop singers and good voice normally don't mix well...

To make this on-topic, here's an awesome punk rock band I've been listening to since I got into rock/metal (about 5-6 years I'd say). They are amazing live!

That was really awful lol, no offense. :lol:

Whaddya want, it's punk rock :lol: And I like them for lyrics more than music anyways. They're doing this crazy idea of making children's fairy tales into songs and giving them a scary twist :kickass:
AND they used to be better with the violin, but I couldn't find a vid.
I think pop singers and good voice normally don't mix well...

Dude, they are FUCKING MADE for that. I mean, YES there is more talented people in whatever you want in the world, but people seems to forget, or not know, how hard it is actually to sing. I mean, I can sing well acapella too and it's gonna be decent but NOWAY it will sound good in a song.

You got to nhit the notes, follow the tempo, the rythm, "dance" sometimes, it's hard and even if Death Metal / Black Metal singing aren't easy to do, they gives more space than Pop singing, a false not in Death or Black will most of the time not be heard, if it is than listener don't give a fuck.

There's pop singer that actually got a good voice, are yet ok but got talent cause they fastly get the song, lyrics, and can reccord a song in two or 3 shot max, so they are a godamn miracle for producer cause less take = les time = more money saved, so they are the kind of people that are upfront.

But no way a fucking producer is going to get a singer, to pop sing, that can't sing. Maybe they aren't the best, but at least THEY CAN sing, and yes, even if there's a lot of people who can, that's an hard thing to do.

inb4: some bitchy bitch pretending it's not hard cause they sing all the time when showering.
But no way a fucking producer is going to get a singer, to pop sing, that can't sing. Maybe they aren't the best, but at least THEY CAN sing, and yes, even if there's a lot of people who can, that's an hard thing to do.

Which only proves the point that pop music is not music but production and business; "ability" and "quality" ain't the same thing. There are maybe a handful of people who are good, and the rest are crap. I'd prefer listening to people who think more about how they are going to sing than how they'll look on stage. Therefore, classic singing is more professional in that sense.

As for rock/metal, etc, it is invalid to compare it to pop like this, because most of the time vocals are there only to add flavour, and it's only one member of the band usually, and the rest are making the music. To me at least, the instrumental part matters more than singing, so the vocals just need to be "tolerable", same as with pop music. However, pop music does not have this instrumental part present, and thus rock/metal is a step up in this sense. However, this has nothing to do with the discussion of vocals.

To further prove my point, watch this and tell me if this guy has a decent voice, or if the song is good =)

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I agree with you, but that more or less proves my point, pop music nowadays IS about singing, that's a bit stupid to say that "pop singer can't sing", as it's one of the few things they are actually good at. Yes maybe there's a lot of Pro Tool behind that, but I'm sure 75% of the people wouldn't be able to sing like a pop singer at their natural.

And even if its obvious, there is acually pop music that focus on music AND vocals. (Tho, is there any pop musician that focus more on music than vocals? I would be interested to know that)
I agree with you, but that more or less proves my point, pop music nowadays IS about singing, that's a bit stupid to say that "pop singer can't sing", as it's one of the few things they are actually good at. Yes maybe there's a lot of Pro Tool behind that, but I'm sure 75% of the people wouldn't be able to sing like a pop singer at their natural.

And even if its obvious, there is acually pop music that focus on music AND vocals. (Tho, is there any pop musician that focus more on music than vocals? I would be interested to know that)

Not pop music, no. If it concentrates on music, it ceases to be "pop". But as I said, focus on music is not what we're a discussing, that was an aside... What I was saying was, for a genre that focuses mainly on vocals, the vocals are pretty darn bad. Plus, as you said, it's even more about "selling" the performer than the actual quality.

And by the way, comments on the vid?
I love Finnish pop/rock bands like The Rasmus, HIM, Uniklubi, Negative...

I love classical music...

I'm pretty much into any music that is good. There are talented artists in every genre.
Not pop music, no. If it concentrates on music, it ceases to be "pop". But as I said, focus on music is not what we're a discussing, that was an aside... What I was saying was, for a genre that focuses mainly on vocals, the vocals are pretty darn bad. Plus, as you said, it's even more about "selling" the performer than the actual quality.

And by the way, comments on the vid?
I couldn't watch it for too long, but seriously, his voice is nothing great. Average at best.

And regarding your previous post, I completely agree. Pop music is more about business and selling rather than the music itself. Basically they have to arrange a catchy chord progression to accompany (and enhance) the singer's voice. Not that much to it. Pop is probably one of the most superficial music genres out there.
^ Thank you =)

That guy took 1st place in Eurovision, seriously >.< I always knew that Eurovision has always been about marketing and politics, but them getting so obvious is just :erk: