Musical Talent: Technical Skill, or Songwriting?

NineFeetUnderground said:
:OMG: You are talking about Children of Bodom right?! :confused:

Yes sir, and I stand by it...Janne Warman throws out some very good solos that aren't necessarily 'wank-fests'. I think the guitar is played well also, not overdone IMO.

I agree that they're not the most amazing writers with incredible compositions like Opeth or PT...but for speed/thrash stuff, I think it does the job with some talent displayed.

being musically talented has nothing to do with how fast you can play, it has to di with how well you can express yourself through your writing and performing. So Rusty Cooley, despite being technically awesome, I don't think is very talented because he communicates NOTHING to me with his playing. Whereas another fast player, Satriani, communicates a lot. Also, Frusciante's Californication solo is i'd say perfect in every way/

Often we think a guitarist is talented just because they can play faster than us or play something we can't play. But often this is the awe factor of technical skill, which masks the inability of that person to musically connect.

But seriously, they're very connected, you need enough technique to express yourself, but to express yourself better it often helps to know more and advance your playing.
<crimson> said:
p.p.s do you have really bad teeth?

Sort of.

I wore away my gums by brushing too hard, I have a tooth cap on from when I got headbutted, my teeth are very yello9w and everytime IO go to the dentist he always tells me that I have plaque.
<crimson> said:
hahahahahaahaha :lol: :) haha...oh man. ok ok i'll stop

baaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha :lol: sorry. hahaha

are you really suggesting you could put something better in at that place in that song? because a shred fest would NOT fit, neither would adding too many more notes, because the vibe of the song is melancholy and laid back. The notes that ARE played are brilliantly chosen and played sensitively, just because anyone could play it doesn't mean they could have had the taste and restraint to write it.

Playing the right thing in the right place is something not a lot of guitarists can do, many are way too concerned about showing their chops, at the expense of the song. And that need to show technical skill at every opportunity is counter productive. if someone said it didn't qualify as a guitar *solo*, then fine, but as a fill while the vocals take a back seat, i maintain it's perfect.
fps said:
Playing the right thing in the right place is something not a lot of guitarists can do, many are way too concerned about showing their chops, at the expense of the song. And that need to show technical skill at every opportunity is counter productive. if someone said it didn't qualify as a guitar *solo*, then fine, but as a fill while the vocals take a back seat, i maintain it's perfect.
while i might not agree with the example i agree with the point.
Nobody pointed out that there is a person with the username "GreatTasteInMusic" and a Linkin Park avatar, and he's not even sarcastic.